The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

It’s Almost As Though They Have A Script Sitting In Wait, Or Something

by Smitty Larry2 at Instapundit There seems to be a pattern: unarmed young black guy is shot, there is a vast media outcry over the young “honor student’s” death, family provides photos of the dead guy taken when he was 11 years old, well before he had opted for the ghetto thug look, it comes […]

#ObamaCare River of Lies Rolls On

by Smitty So, after all the Individual Mandate faffing about, Hot Air reports that as many as 90% may not get nicked with a penalty (for now): The Obama administration has provided 14 ways people can avoid the fine based on hardships, including suffering domestic violence, experiencing substantial property damage from a fire or flood, […]

“Sorry, Barack: I Can’t Give The Israeli People ‘The Stevens’,” Said Bibi

by Smitty You can almost forgive #OccupyResoluteDesk for wanting the Israelis to pull their punches, given Obama’s oblivious non-command of leadership: President Barack Obama phoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu late Sunday, demanding that he agree to an immediate ceasefire “that ends hostilities now and leads to a permanent cessation of hostilities, based on the […]

Just Relax In Your ‘Fundamentally Transformed’ Country, Americans

by Smitty Pres’ent Obama has simply carried through: In the pre-transformed America, it was understood that the Commies had infiltrated Hollywood and academia. No one really expected subversion of the IRS: To summarize: The IRS (famed for nitpicking and prosecuting the tax law), chose to authorize hundreds of billions of illegal subsidies without having performed […]

Did ObamaCare Just Die?

This seems to be the consensus interpretation of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision this morning: Court Rules That Subsidies in Obamacare’s Federal Exchange are Illegal, Dealing Huge Legal Blow to Health Law — Reason In Blow to Health Law, Appeals Court Limits Subsidies — New York Times BREAKING: Two Republican Judges Order Obamacare […]

They Found Peggy Joseph!

Everybody remembers the Florida woman who, during the 2008 campaign, gleefully declared in a TV news interview after an Obama campaign rally that if Obama was elected, she wouldn’t have to worry about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage. Over the years, whenever the headlines told of bad economic news I’d wonder […]

Democrats Dump Obama

Hope and Change have become a campaign liability: Obama’s approval ratings are in the basement and show no signs of improving, so Democrats are keeping their distance. On the stump, in campaign ads and at fundraisers, Obama’s absence is increasingly conspicuous. Democrats are voicing their displeasure with his policies and campaign advisers are telling candidates […]

Presidential Imperialism

Jonathan Turley has a column by President Obama’s high-handed, irresponsible and unconstitutional exercise of unilateral power: In our system, there is no license to go it alone. Rather, the Republic’s democratic architecture requires compromise. The process is designed to moderate legislation and create a broader consensus in support of these laws. Nor is congressional refusal to […]

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