The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sum Ting Wong At CNN

by Smitty Via Zero Hedge, the CNN clown car is revved up to Full Tilt Boogie: One has to wonder if this is an innocent typo, or a Freudian slip. There seems an interest in projecting violent acts onto conservatives and veterans. This blog doubles down on its hope that #OccupyResoluteDesk dies old, full of […]

Obama’s Failed Presidency

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) A disaster, a catastrophe, a cataclysm: “I want to make government cool again,” he said. Obama believed in government, and he was confident that his election would signal that the American people were ready to believe again, too. As we approach the sixth anniversary of […]

Jerry Seinfeld Accidentally Explains The Obama Administration

by Smitty Alternate title: “If only Barack Obama had delivered this for his Nobel Prize acceptance. . .” I shared the clip a second time with Mrs. Other Smitty this morning, and I realized that Seinfeld was really explaining how this country could possibly be duped by a no-talent rodeo clown. See if you agree: […]

Steyn Distills Obama To < 10 Characters

by Smitty Emphasis original: The Obama Doctrine – “Don’t do stupid sh*t” – has been rendered in non-PG version as “Don’t do stupid stuff”. But it should be more pithily streamlined yet: Don’t do. I guess one major value added by the Obama Administration is that we’ve more or less seen an operational test of […]

Question For An Office Holder

Dear @BarackObama: If it's OK for you to say ISIL is not Islamic, does that justify those who say you're not Christian? R, C @instapundit — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) September 11, 2014 Spake Bobo: I think a president should always be saluted when they go against their natural inclinations. His inclination is not to use military force. It’s certainly […]

Violence, Foreign and Domestic

Americans demand that action be taken to deal with two grave threats, radical Islamic terrorism and NFL running backs: The N.F.L. remained on the defensive Tuesday as questions mounted over its handling of the domestic abuse case involving one of its star running backs, Ray Rice. Commissioner Roger Goodell went on national television to address […]

Obama Is All: “Ha ha, Holland! I Got A 35% Approval Floor, And I’m Not Even Named After A Foreign Country”

by Smitty Via Instapundit, the excellent Daniel Hannan, emphasis mine: Snobbery is not confined to any party or faction, of course. What seems far more common on the Left, though, is the need to find some inert, subjugated, grateful mass to champion. At first, that mass was supposed to be the industrialised proletariat. But, when […]

Nobel Peace Prize Winner

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) There seems to be some confusion about President Obama’s “foreign policy.” At times, it has been alleged that he actually has a policy, but these allegations have never been substantiated. My perception, after watching this administration’s actions for the past five years, is that the […]

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