The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Science Is Settled: It’s a Baby

Kirsten Powers on what we might call “The Sonogram Effect”: Pope Francis has correctly described the unborn as “the most defenseless and innocent among us.” But in the sordid tale of strategic crushing of the unborn to better harvest their hearts, lungs and livers, many Democrats have incredibly cast an organization with a roughly $1.3 billion […]

Why Does Obama Hate Your Babies?

  Obama Will Veto Bill to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Despite Selling Aborted Baby Parts — Steven Ertelt, LifeNews Obama Appointee And Bundler Blocks More Video Releases By Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting — Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist White House threatens to veto bill blocking Planned Parenthood’s funding — Jordan Fabian, The Hill Does a Future […]

Poll Finds ‘Clear Majority’ of Americans Are Hopelessly Gullible Fools

That’s not the headline in the Washington Post, however: Poll: Clear majority supports nuclear deal with Iran We’re conducting diplomacy by referendum now? Exactly how much does the average American know about the details of this “deal”? Are folks sitting around over dinner at the Olive Garden chatting about centrifuges and enriched uranium? Have random […]

Confession: I Want A Cruz Administration As Much For Prosperity As For Relentless Waves Of Butthurt From M.B. Dougherty

by Smitty The anticipatory agony from Michael B. Dougherty is schadenfreude-licious: Cruz also exhorted his audience to “imagine” many things, an America that is “finally becoming energy self-sufficient,” “booming economic growth,” “young people coming out of school with four, five, six job offers,” and the eradication of the IRS. He implored us to imagine a […]

Question To #OccupyResoluteDesk Next Time His Piehole’s Open Near A Reporter

by Smitty The no-talent rodeo clown hath spoken: Netanyahu’s comments ‘erode the name of democracy’. OK, it’s not clear what that means. It’s still ‘democracy’, and not ’emocracy’ or ‘democrac’. Because if we’re going to hammer Bibi for saying something stupid, e.g.: Following Netanyahu’s pre-election statement that there would be no Palestinian state if he […]

Netanyahu Wins, Obama Loses

It was profoundly weird to watch coverage of the Israeli elections Tuesday. At one point, I saw CNN’s John King doing exit poll results as if this was a U.S. presidential election and I was like, “What the hell is this?” What it was, of course, is that American Democrats (including members of President Obama’s […]

Let Us Enjoy A Moment When We’ve Something Nice To Say Of Stacy’s Cousin

by Smitty It’s not often that I can give a thumbs up to fellow IFNAG and Senator John McCain, but signing Senator Cotton’s letter was the Right Thing To Do. Vox is about as clueful on this point as they were on Her Majesty’s email. McCain told Politico that: “I saw the letter, I saw […]

Issa: Her Majesty & #OccupyResoluteDesk Are Both Beyond Justice & They Know It

by Smitty Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Sunday suggested that Hillary Clinton could face criminal charges if she knowingly withholds emails from congressional investigators. Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Issa noted that “voluntary cooperation does not guarantee that it’s a crime not to deliver all” requested emails. Setting up your own security is […]

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