The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obama Still Hasn’t Responded to Republican Offer to Discuss Health Care

A Republican congressman says it’s been nearly a month since he and 33 colleagues offered to meet with President Obama to discuss health care reform, and they still haven’t heard back from the White House. “In the wake of Obamacare’s numerous failures, President Obama said that if Republicans had better health care reform ideas, they […]

@Alexs1776 Brings The #Boom

by Smitty From the last press conference a week back, emphasis mine: On Obamacare, the president allowed he’d made mistakes when it came to the health care rollout. “Even though I was meeting every other week, every three weeks with folks and emphasizing how important it was that consumers have a good experience … the […]

@NYPolJunkie Knows Her Some Snark

by Smitty @HowardRoark19 @smitty_one_each I had an idea for an awesome one but was too busy. — Taylor_NY (@NYPolJunkie) December 24, 2013 More brutal than this?

Obama to #SouthSudan: Good Luck

The news gets worse and worse out of #SouthSudan — Jenn Warren (@jennwarren) December 22, 2013 Readout of President Obama's Updates on #SouthSudan: — @NSCPress (@NSCPress) December 21, 2013 If you expected any determined U.S. action to end this civil war, my condolences on your Nobel Peace Prize disappointment: “This conflict can only […]

Bill Whittle Meets Black Sabbath

by Smitty Bill Whittle retains his restrained pose here during The End of the Beginning: . . .which title is the same as the opening cut for the latest Black Sabbath record: Is this the end of the beginning? Or the beginning of the end? Losing control or are you winning? Is your life real […]

#SouthSudan Update: Obama Urges Calm, Reconciliation, Sends Small U.S. Force

US deploys 45 troops to South Sudan: White House via @YahooNews — Agence France-Presse (@AFP) December 20, 2013 President Obama has sent 45 troops — just to protect U.S. personnel and property — to South Sudan, and issued a statement: In 2011, millions of South Sudanese voted to forge a new nation, founded on […]

Schizophrenic Criminal Faker Making Meaningless Gestures? Hmmm …

"Mandela Sign 'Interpreter' Faced Murder Rap in '03: Stood Ft Away From Obama…Record Includes Kidnapping, Rape" — Larry Elder (@larryelder) December 13, 2013 The Washington Post reports: The sign language interpreter who gestured meaninglessly at the Nelson Mandela memorial in South Africa on Tuesday has faced charges of murder, rape, theft, breaking and entering, malicious […]

Obama’s Underpants Gnome Economy

Remember the infamous business plan from the South Park episode? Collect Underpants ? Profit Say hello to the president’s economic theory: Here's how to improve our economy and create hundreds of thousands of jobs: #RaiseTheWage. — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 4, 2013 It would be an insult to readers to explain why this […]

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