The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sarah Palin’s Biggest Gamble

Following up on the earlier post about Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Christine O’Donnell, I have spoken to a few sources, one of whom described this as “the longest of long shots,” a decision based not on political calculation but as a matter of “pure principle.” Another source pointed out that Rush Limbaugh might have had an influence, […]


MIRACLE! Dave Weigel reports that Sarah Palin just called into Sean Hannity‘s radio show to officially endorse Christine O’Donnell in the Delaware GOP Senate primary. Answered prayer! Is it too little, too late? UPDATE: From O’Donnell’s Twitter feed: UPDATE II: Matt Lewis notes: “So far, Palin has not commented on her Facebook page or Twitter […]

Establishment Turns Against Murkowski

Now that Joe Miller has won the Alaska GOP Senate primary, the Republican establishment is his friend: National Republican Senatorial Committee senior adviser and veteran GOP strategist Terry Nelson flew to Alaska Wednesday night to assist Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller’s campaign . . . Nelson is going up to meet Miller and his campaign […]

Your All-Dan-Riehl Daily Delaware Republican Senate Primary Update

Dan Riehl has been been on the warpath against Mike Castle and Castle’s “conservative” supporters: Castle’s “F” rating from the NRA. Linking Mark Levin’s latest takedown. Spanking Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff. Linking Melissa Clouthier’s takedown. Spanking NRO’s Jonah Goldberg. Highlighting Castle’s support for an Obama-backed bill to regulate campaign advertising. Defenestrating NRO’s Jim Geraghty. And finally, Dan links Tammy […]

Weigel on Delaware

Dave Weigel is a native of Delaware and has a feature at Slate about the Senate campaign between Mike Castle and Christine O’Donnell. He explains last week’s onslaught of negative attacks on O’Donnell: When she declined to stand aside for Castle, who’s been eying an open Senate seat for years, the party ignored her. It […]

Mark Levin vs. Allahpundit (PLUS: How Many Pro-Lifer Voters in Delaware?)

Levin is rapidly becoming talk radio’s most Web 2.0-savvy host. He’s got nearly 40,000 Twitter followers and more than 200,000 fans on Facebook. And he’s not only reading blogs, he’s arguing with bloggers: Allahpundit over at Hotair, linking to like-minded bloggers here and there, argues, among other things, that he thought Beck was wrong when […]

Dan Riehl Has His Own ‘Ilk’?

According to Stephen Bainbridge: By letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, Riehl and his ilk are ensuring themselves of a pure minority. The rest of us in the blogosphere are now jealous of Dan. What do we have to do to get our own ilks? Is supporting Christine O’Donnell sufficient to qualify […]

Fear and Loathing in Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Waiting on a plane, and the incredible freakout over the Delaware GOP Senate primary caught my attention, so I registered a mild complaint at the American Spectator blog: One of two outcomes is possible: Mike Castle wins on Sept. 14, in which case all this psychotic raving about Christine the Dangerous Right-Wing Catastrophe will […]

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