The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Christine O’Donnell, Right Again!

“And you can tell that Britney Spears is struggling with who she is. I think she has a team of agents and managers who are saying, yes, push the envelope, kiss Madonna, take off all your clothes. And she’s doing that because she doesn’t want to sacrifice this enormous platform that she’s built. But at […]

Reply to Rick Moran

Dan Riehl breaks his vow never to pimp-slap Rick again. Me? I’m just kind of at a lost for words at Rick’s description of “an identifiable tea party establishment . . . a self identified elite who are more interested in maintaining their position at the top of the tea party ziggurat than in stopping the […]

‘Oooh, Hooo, Witchy Woman . . .’

See how high she flies! Brian at Red Dog Report has much more. The big MSM headline from last night’s Hannity appearance was that Christine O’Donnell has decided to stop doing national media interviews. and concentrate instead on winning over Delaware voters. That’s just common sense, by the way. She’s raised more than $2 million […]

VIDEO: Delaware Democrat Chris Coons Says Obama ‘Made the Right Choice’

Who’s saying “nutty” stuff now, huh? “Somebody who’s going to work in responsible partnership with an administration that I think made the right choice on health care, on the stimulus, on the jobs bill.” — Chris Coons The Democrat has also said: “My first vote would be for Harry Reid to be the leader, and to […]

Who Are Christine O’Donnell’s Enemies?

CBS News has this headline: Watchdog: Christine O’Donnell “Clearly a Criminal”  But who is the “watchdog”? Longtime O’Donnell supporter Jerry Wilson explained this Saturday: The group in question, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), is funded in part by individuals who are members of the Democracy Alliance. The Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by […]

Senator Jim DeMint Steps Up To The Plate

by Smitty (via Cubachi) Nothing says get stuffed, Senator Cornyn quite like a respectable ad buy in favor of a true conservative candidate: With talk of Jim DeMint, John Bolton, and a thousand other conservative stars for Presidential bids in 2012, the Left may wet itself into a state of collective dehydration. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL for […]

Al Franken and Christine O’Donnell on Bill Maher Show? MUST-SEE TV!

You know you gotta watch it: BTW, another of Maher’s guests on that 1997 show is also now running for Congress: Star Parker in California’s 37th District. Of course, the obvious question is, why are all these RINO-hugging “experts” telling us that Christine O’Donnell isn’t “electable” as a senator — but Al Franken is? UPDATE: Transcribed […]

In Desperate Effort to End Flame War Between Allahpundit and Dan Riehl, Former Playboy Model Karissa Shannon and Boyfriend Agree to Release Sex Video

Blessed are the peacemakers, who figure they might as well cash in on their D-list notoriety: Sources close to the couple tell us they both agreed to a deal with Vivid Entertainment when the offer hit the “six-figure range.” What? You wanted pictures?

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