The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Despicable David Brooks

  Once upon a time, David Brooks Fisking Day was celebrated here every Tuesday. The New York Times‘ token “conservative” column was so predictably wrong about nearly everything — his political instincts are so bad — that I had to lash him around every week just to relieve my system of the excess bile generated […]

Lenient Drug Policy Yields Bad Result

If only cops in Radnor, Illinois, had sent teenage dopehead @nytdavidbrooks to prison, where he belongs … — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 3, 2014 David Brooks confessed in a New York Times column that he was a high-school stoner, by way of arguing against the legalization of marijuana. One of his erstwhile dope buddies […]

David Brooks: ‘You Know Who Has Some Sharp Pants Creases? Mitt Romney!’

The NYT’s token Republican columnist loves him some Mittens: Over the past several months, Mitt Romney has been an excellent presidential candidate. He has performed superbly in the debates. He has outorganized his rivals. He has relentlessly stayed on his core theme of putting Americans back to work. He has taken Rick Perry apart with a […]

He Made It to the Third Sentence

David Brooks wrote two sentences before he lost me: Over the past months, Republicans enjoyed enormous advantages. Opinion polls showed that voters are eager to reduce the federal debt, and they want to do it mostly but not entirely through spending cuts. There was a Democratic president eager to move to the center. Right. Obama […]

‘Coulter, She’s Just a Show Person’

So says notorious scoundrel David Brooks (skip to 4:23): The last time I saw Brooks at an event where he had been invited to speak, I quietly walked out of the room, hoping no one noticed the pulsing veins in my neck and forehead as I struggled to resist a sudden urge to charge the […]

BREAKING: David Brooks Is a Douchebag

This news is perhaps not shocking to regular readers of the New York Times‘ token “conservative” columnist, but if we ever needed smoking-gun proof, his column today is like RINO fingerprints covered with country-club DNA: I’m registering a protest because for someone of my Hamiltonian/National Greatness perspective, the two parties contesting this election are unusually […]

T-Paw Gets the Kiss of Death

David Brooks lumps Tim Pawlenty in with Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney and says, “I think it’s going to be one of those three.” You noticed whom Brooks didn’t mention, right? Herman Cain.

David Brooks, Brutally Spanked

My apologies for neglecting my regular “David Brooks Fisking Day” duties for several months. Perhaps I’ll have to start outsourcing this task. The NYT’s house “conservative” has published a pretentious new book, The Social Animal, which gets completely dismantled by Will Wilkinson at Forbes: Brooks supplies neither drama, high emotion, nor the mindbending metaphysics of aging without […]

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