The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

War on Human Nature: The Celebrity Fantasy Dress-Up With ‘Caitlyn’ Game

We now live in a world in which we are required to believe lies, where telling the truth is condemned as “hate,” and where strangers feel qualified to diagnose you as suffering from an irrational “phobia” if you refuse to cooperate with their political agenda. As I remarked a couple of months ago, “Until I […]

The Naïvietê of a ‘Skeptic’

@The_SkepDick is a partisan Democrat masquerading as an objective observer, which is to say that he is no different than about 90% of American journalists except for the fact that he is just an anonymous troll account on the Internet and not a multimillionaire celebrity like George Stephanopoulos, but I digress . . . @The_SkepDick posted […]

It Purports To Survey Those Confused Concerning The Wedding Tackle–Why Would The Math NOT Be Queer?

by Smitty I don’t understand why anyone is surprised that Michael LaCour said “Data? Tada!” for his study. In defense of LaCour, this approach is completely in keeping with the subject. For wide is the gate and broad is the road, slippery the slope, and well lubricated the fools cruising down that highway to an […]

King of the Blues, R.I.P.

We Pity

by Smitty It’s Colonel Schlichter’s special take on delicacy that makes him such a word-for-word read: We pity the fact that every day you have to wake up and look in the mirror and see the face of a man, or woman, or whichever of the 567 other gender identities the freakshow left has manufactured, […]

Meanwhile, At The Library

— by Wombat-socho Two weeks until the movers come and drag off all my boxes of stuff, but I still have time to read. 🙂 This week’s book post is a little lean, because I actually did spend most of my time last week packing or catching up with friends, but there’s interesting news that […]

The War Against Human Nature: What Does ‘Unreasonable Pressure’ Mean?

The Sexual Assault Task Force at the University of Kansas has some very strange (and by “very strange” of course I mean, typical feminist) ideas about what “sexual assault” involves: Under “Recommendations for Policy and Process Improvement,” the task force recommends clarifying the definition of “incapacitation” in order to differentiate between “wrongful” and “permissible” conduct. […]

On Another Plane, George S. Patton Is Swearing Out A Year’s Supply Of Napalm

by Smitty Old George was famously reprimanded for striking soldiers. I can see him going for a full-on pistol whip of the godless Commies behind this travesty: In the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event, cadets were required to wear high heels and march to “raise awareness of sexual assault against women.” Part of […]

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