The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Reinhold Neibuhr Was a Subversive Pinko (and Other Conservative Insights)

One of the more amusing tendencies of certain “conservative intellectuals” — the scare-quotes are necessaary, if you know the type of people I have in mind — is their habit of name-checking famous (dead) conservatives in pursuit of arguments about the unworthiness of famous (living) conservatives. Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter will say something that […]

Rule 5k ft.

by Smitty (h/t Drudge) A passenger boards in Philly for Frisco.  He goes nutty, and the plane has to divert to Pittsburgh: Why? The guy’s making a total ass of himself. Time for Rule 5 at 5,000 feet. The guy ends up being humiliated by a stewardess. Now, if it’s legal, fine. If the dope […]

Patton: A Real American Hero

CubaChi on Twitter: Alright! @MarkLevinShow is playing the Patton music now! You know this is going to be good! Great taste in music, ma’am! This is super-cool — Francis Ford Coppola describes how he got fired for writing the Oscar-winning screenplay: The original theatrical trailer: Here’s another version of the trailer: My cousin Mark and […]

Jill: No Compassion

by Smitty Jill Brooke at PuffHo asks: “Where Is the Compassion for Men Who Get Saddled With Kids They Didn’t Want?” Wikipedia elaborates on this idea of compassion: Compassion is a human emotion prompted by the pain of others. More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another’s […]

The Apocalypse of Culture: People Spend $1 Billion to See Sucky 3-D SciFi Movie

No need to wonder what morons did with their stimulus checks.  Two words: Avatar tickets. When “Avatar” opened, its solid but far from stellar results left 20th Century Fox uncertain about whether the $430 million that it and two financing partners had invested to produce and market the 3-D film would pay off. Less than three weeks […]

Roger Scruton: ‘Our World Has
Turned Its Back on Beauty . . .’

“. . . and because of that, we find ourselves surrounded by ugliness and alienation.” On our inaugural Rule 5 Sunday of the New Year at the new site, please watch this video and then we’ll talk more about beauty: That’s one of a six-part series of YouTube videos collected in one post by blogger […]

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