The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Generation Zero: The D.C. Premiere

Generation Zero, the new Citizens United documentary about the economic crisis had its D.C. premiere last night in Georgetown. The film, which was previously screened last month at the Nashville Tea Party convention and at CPAC, chronicles the real-estate bubble and the fiancial meltdown as a product of what Tobin Smith of Fox News calls […]

Do We Wonder What Historical Figures Would Say?

by Smitty Proof Positive quotes Saint Patrick: Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me. -St. Patrick Google, while not mentioning Saint Patrick by name, posts this on Saint Patrick’s Day: As a Christian, I’ll venture as a default position that Saint Patrick would be […]

Marty Peretz Declares Victory in Iraq

It’s a rather idiosyncratic argument that will be of interest mainly to foreign policy junkies, which I’m not. Still, you’ve got to love the money quote: Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture requiring trust with Arabs turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real […]

Whatever Happened to Crazy?

The endless theorizing about Pentagon shooter Patrick Bedell inspires James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal to observe:  We suppose if Cindy Sheehan ever picked up a gun and started shooting, the media would describe her as a “right-wing extremist” too. It inspired me to write a 1,900-word essay based on Chris Rock’s question: “Whatever happened to […]

Can Dylan Ratigan Join The Coffee Party, Please?

by Smitty It’s fairly viral now that Dylan Ratigan is a ass, a jackass, and a king among jackasses. Greg Gutfeld on Red Eye organizes Ratigan in a delightful manner: “I guess it sucks doing Rachel Maddow’s laundry.” Gateway Pundit was on local TV in a clip concerning the Coffee Party. An independent, homeschooling activist […]

She Just Digs Those New Media Guys

A minor uproar erupted Friday on Twitter when I sent this message: #FF Everyone should follow Steven Crowder @scrowder if only because his girlfriend is totally HAAAWWWTT! #FollowFriday The aforesaid girlfriend’s friend, Alyssa Cordova of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, took umbrage: @rsmccain #degrading Requiring me to offer the following defense: @LyssCordova I met Hillary […]

News From Southern Appalachia

When Instapundit featured the headline, “Knoxville girl wins regional spelling bee,” I sort of figured the Knoxville girl in question might be named Reynolds. But in fact the winner was Ameena Iqbal, a fifth-grader at Blue Grass Elementary School in West Knoxville, who edged out Nithya Kanagasegar, an eighth-grader at Homestead Elementary School in Crossville. […]

TMI Twitter from Kim Kardashian

She was already in trouble for outing a federal air marshal on Twitter, now there is this bit of alarming indiscretion: “I pretty much laser my whole body … I’m like a little hairless Chihuahua.” This particular cosmetic trend — I’ve dubbed it the Deforestation of the Pubic Delta — is really a byproduct of the […]

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