The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Conspicuously Absent Words

by Smitty Reading Lefties can be a source of sad amusement. Curtis Valentine at PuffHo has a piece trying to find the ointment on the economic fly. Here is a bit of introductory text for flavor: Over the past twenty-five years, the exorbitant increase in the American standard of living has had an inverse affect […]

Her Wonderful Career

OK, so I was sitting in my home office this afternoon and, as usual, CNBC was on the office TV. When I sit at my desk typing, the TV is behind me and off to the right side. It’s usually tuned to CNBC during the day so that by swiveling my chair slightly, I can glance over and catch the […]

Death by Political Correctness?

“Everyone must come to grips with and make sense of their own failures. Excuse-making, blame-shifting, scapegoating — ‘It wasn’t my fault!’ — prevents us from learning the lessons of our failures. . . . Persistently attempting to externalize blame for our own failures is a recipe for moral disaster.” — Robert Stacy McCain, “Lindsay Lohan […]

Free Movies You’ll Probably Skip

Without comment: Thursdays this summer at the Atlas Performing Arts Center [in Washington, D.C.] will be Gay 101 – a series of films one must see to be a card-carrying gay man. While most are not gay-themed, all are embraced by the gay and lesbian community. Classics such as All About Eve, and Whatever Happened […]

White Hipster Beaten by Black Teen: ‘Shouldn’t Be Listening to Rap Music’

Cultural criticism in Broward County, Florida: Declaring that white people “shouldn’t be listening to rap music,” a 14-year-old Florida boy allegedly assaulted a man Monday night in what police say was a racially-motivated attack. The teenager was arrested after he allegedly struck the 22-year-old victim, who is white, in the face. According to a Palm […]

Sex, Science, Monogamy and Survival

While checking in to see what Dave Weigel was doing at Andrew Sullivan’s “Daily Dish” — addressing the Trig Truther problem, among other things — I came across Chris Bodener’s latest post in a series, “The Evolutionary Case Against Monogamy,” which is every bit the bass-ackward exercise in Darwinian pretzel-logic that you might imagine. Let’s begin with […]

Declaration Entertainment: Putting A Scowl On A Commie Near You

by Smitty If you had to think of an image that summarizes Hollywood, yet is still mostly safe for work, I should think that ‘The Worst Toilet In Scotland’ might suffice. We’ve bemoaned the situation for years, and now it looks like someone is Actually Doing Something. Someone is Bill Whittle, mister Eject! Eject! Eject! […]

Miley Cyrus Shows Her Underwear

The 17-year-old’s post-Disney sluttification continues: Miley Cyrus put on a display of sheer daring while shooting a video clip in LA yesterday. The 17-year-old star was spotted running barefoot around a car park in a transparent sundress that revealed her cream bra and knickers.  . . . In a scene that might make her Australian […]

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