The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Good News, Bad News

Good News: That wretched pedophile book I blogged about has been pulled from Amazon: “The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover’s Code of Conduct” was pulled from, a spokesman confirmed Thursday, after thousands of users posted angry comments and threats to boycott the site. The self-published e-book was available on the site […]

Gonzo, Vindicated

Maetenloch at AOSHQ linked this list of the Best Magazine Articles Ever, and I noticed that Hunter S. Thompson was named twice in the top 10, for “The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved” (where Thompson first displayed his famous “Gonzo” style) and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” (originally syndicated in Rolling Stone). Actually, we ought […]

Shame in a Shameless Culture

The tragedy of Tyler Clementi’s suicide has drawn much commentary. We are not surprised that Pam Spaulding seizes the opportunity to lecture us about “homophobia” — the scare-quotes necessitated, as I always note, by the pseudo-diagnostic nature of the term. Stipulate that such a phenomenon as “homophobia” exists, that there are people who have an irrational […]

Awesome! Ace of Spades Gets in Touch With His Inner Social Conservative

Admittedly, a social conservative famous for slinging f-bombs and sodomy jokes, but a social conservative nonetheless: This was just evil for evil’s sake. She wanted to be even more famous than she is (and she is already quite a bit more famous than her present, but very limited, talents would recommend), and she decided to […]

Once Again, Christine O’Donnell Is Right: Coed Dormitories Are a Very Bad Idea

Yesterday, I took notice of Rachel Maddow’s snide attack on Christine O’Donnell for having had the temerity to say, in 1996, that masturbation violates biblical injunctions against lust. It goes without saying that Maddow is heedless of biblical injunctions (e.g., Romans 1:18-32), as is her right in a free society, yet what struck me was the […]

Ace of Spades Interviews Ladd Ehlinger

This is two weeks old, but I hadn’t seen it before, and it’s 31 flavors of pure awesomeness: One of my favorite people interviewing another one of my favorite people, and look at where Ladd lists his “top five Don’ts” for Republicans: 1) Stop concentrating on the sure wins. 2) Stop thinking a district is […]

Drinkers Outliving Non-Drinkers

by Smitty I’m cheerfully sober, though I’ve had my share of embarrassments. Anorak has a gallery of shame that is work-place safe. My favorite: Bottom line: Stay below the legal limit for drunkenness. Don’t become inebriated in unfamiliar locations. If your ‘friends’ have a penchant for lunatic stunts, volunteer for duty driver. Also, find better […]

Curious Phrasing, Mr. Appel

“In my experience, liberal think tanks and intellectuals dominate most domestic issues while conservative think tanks and intellectuals dominate foreign policy. . . . Democrats have traditionally held an advantage on domestic issues while Republicans have traditionally held an advantage on foreign policy. The intelligentsia of both parties reflect this divide.” — Patrick Appel, The […]

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