The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

More Proof Exercise Is Bad for You

A marathon runner is diagnosed with stress damage to her gluteal tendons, a malady called “dead butt syndrome.” Exercise is to yuppies what Islam is to suicide bombers. “Fitness” has become a cult among the college-educated and upwardly mobile. Tom Wolfe noticed this phenomenon nearly 30 years ago when he described the “social X-rays” — those bone-thin yuppie […]

The ‘Ick Factor’

“In the hands of a skillful indoctrinator, the average student not only thinks what the indoctrinator wants him to think . . . but is altogether positive that he has arrived at his position by independent intellectual exertion. This man is outraged by the suggestion that he is the flesh-and-blood tribute to the success of […]

Reader E-Mail: ‘I Live in Reality’

Image from the Art Renewal Center Regular readers will remember that earlier this week I found myself tangled up in flame-wars and attacked in the comments after I criticized a feminist’s attempt to use the Julian Assange case as a “teachable moment” to lecture about the protocols of condom use in the context of “no […]

Bristol Palin, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin and the Politics of Sexual Destruction

“Everyone was trying to pit me against Bristol, but the truth is, we got along well. She never asked me to babysit Tripp or anything like that, but I consider her a friend. . . . I really like Bristol as a person. . . . I am proud of her for shaking her ass!” […]

Narcissism, Isolation and Trolls

“The 19th-century cult of success . . . measured achievement not against the achievements of others but against  an abstract ideal of discipline and self-denial. At the turn of the century, however, preachments on success began to stress the will to win. The bureaucratization of the corporate career changed the conditions of self-advancement; ambitious young […]

Muslim Columnist: U.K. Rape Gang Case Exposes ‘Disgusting Cultural Beliefs’

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is a founding member of British Muslims for Secular Democracy. A native Ugandan of Indian ancestry, she came to England in 1972, shortly before the ruthless dictator Idi Amin officially expelled Uganda’s Asian population. She married a British man, Colin Brown, and is a popular author, journalist and lecturer. Alibhai-Brown is a woman of […]

Report: ‘Issues of Culture, Ethnicity and Identity’ Raised in U.K. Rape-Gang Case

A report on the sexual exploitation of British girls as young as 12 by a gang led by two 28-year-old Muslim men found that cultural issues were “a critical factor in making [the victims] easy targets for abusers.” Official agencies “missed opportunities” to protect two victims of the gang, according to the newly released report by the Derbyshire […]

EXCLUSIVE: Copy of Restraining Order in Palin vs. Gawker Copyright Lawsuit

Click here to see the order by U.S. District Judge Thomas P. Griesa (PDF). UPDATE: Background from Associated Press: A federal judge on Saturday ordered Gawker Media to pull leaked pages of Sarah Palin’s forthcoming book “America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag” from its blog. The injunction prohibits Gawker from “continuing to distribute, […]

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