The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Stuff Spell-Check Won’t Fix

Sissy Willis re-Tweeted a link to a post at The Anchoress in which Max Lindenman talks about the growing menace of bad punctuation, including people who don’t know the God-Fearing American Way of putting commas or periods inside the quotation marks. Go read Lindeman’s post, and then come back here and we’ll have a little […]

Youthful Ignorance

Megan McArdle observes an important phenomenon: A significant number of teens didn’t know who Osama Bin Laden was until we killed him. I can’t believe it — and yet I do believe it. I didn’t know what Iran Contra was when I was in high school, and I was a sophomore when it happened. Teenagers […]

Israel, Islam and Endogamy

Is heredity destiny? At least one rabbi says so: ‘Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring’ Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man –- even if it is the last option available. […]

Fort Sumter 1861: ‘Strike a Blow!’

Today, a most momentous anniversary is the subject of my column at The American Spectator: Visitors to Princeton, New Jersey, may find there the grave of a former New York state judge who died in 1919 at the advanced age of 90. Judge Roger Pryor was not from New Jersey, however, nor was he a […]

Word of the Day: ‘Creeptastic’

As in, “Did you see that British tabloid story about the creeptastic beauty-pageant mom who gives her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections and bikini waxes?” Like other eight-year-old girls, Britney Campbell loves dancing to Lady GaGa, is fond of fashion and enjoys putting on make-up. . . . Once every three months, Britney climbs on a […]

Atlantic Crossing

Trans-Atlantic cosmopolitan Hadley Freeman, who apparently hops back and forth between Manhattan and Ye Merry Olde, offers what she describes as an ironic contrast: The British approach to dating could easily be described as “chaotic” to the point of non-existent. I, however, see it as a decidedly just, nay, DEMOCRATIC state of affairs: you go […]

‘Where the Boys Are’

“I’m not frightened and I’m not being coy. It’s just that I’ve … I’ve never done anything like this before.” — Merrit Andrews (Dolores Hart) in Where the Boys Are I’m on deadline tonight and, knowing I’d be working late, decided to take a late afternoon nap. Drowsing with the TV on, I awoke and flipped […]

Another Year, More ‘Why Do The Oscar Ratings Resemble Those Of CNN?’

by Smitty Props to Matt Drudge for keeping a straight face for the ‘unexpected’ bad ratings.  Should they bring in the president’s speech writers, one wonders? We understand that, in a globalized movie market, the rest of the world is entertained by the sight of Hollywood pissing down the American back. Could it possibly be […]

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