The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Forgiving Sally Kohn

by Smitty Will anti-gay Christians be politically and socially ostracized? I sure hope so. Just as those orthodox Christians who still believe in strict, traditional gender roles have been increasingly mocked as absurd. Once upon a time, marriage constituted property—the wife was the literal property of the husband, and could not legally let alone culturally […]

Let’s Bring Back Guilt and Shame

“I was twelve when I discovered porn.” So begins “How I Came Out: Part 2 – My Bisexual Awakening” by Kaitlyn, a 22-year-old graduate of Pacific Lutheran University. Please stop laughing long enough to think about this. Remember when “coming out” meant someone was actually, y’know, gay? What’s the point of “coming out” as bisexual? If […]

You Want To Whine About Being Offended?
Here, Let Me Give You Something To Whine About

— by Wombat-socho Apropos of Stacy’s post on the attempt to shove the Confederate flag down the memory hole, Michael Z. Williamson and his friends have some suggestions for a replacement flag guaranteed to offend just about everybody, but especially the members of the pro-slavery, pro-segregation Democratic party. Also, some clever fellow has introduced a […]

A Dangerous Precedent

The rush to ban display and sale of the Confederate flag in the wake of last week’s shooting in Charleston should cause concern for any person intelligent enough to understand how such precedents, once established, are often used to justify further aggression by Cultural Marxists. They often argue by analogy, saying This Offensive Thing is […]

Media Synchronicity and Confederate Thoughts on an Era of Elite Corruption

Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate — the word is all over the headlines today, which was nothing that would have seemed a logical consequence of Dylann Roof’s shooting spree last week in South Carolina. What has happened, we may surmise, is that some activists, politicians and journalists reached an unofficial consensus that this was one of those […]

In Defense Of Rachel Dolezal. . .

by Smitty Sure, Instapundit. . . See, lefty social-justice-warrior types always lie. If you don’t have any concept of truth, then it’s really all morally equivalent. But you can’t hold [all lefty social-justice-warriors] responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole. . .system? […]

The Hugo Packet: The Novels and Related Works

— by Wombat-socho It’s been a while since I did a book post, since most of the time when I was on the road I was either driving, recovering from driving, or hanging out with friends and relatives, but I hope this makes up for it. As most of you are aware, the Kulturkampf between […]

Rebutting The Anonymous Lickspittle

by Smitty Let’s be clear, you silly twerp, That your sins are yours alone. Accidents of genes and birth, Should by no means give you groan. Talent’s not a source of hurt, Unless buried, bringing wrath. As the parable makes known, The Lord’s given simple math. Doubling, we must be alert For how we may […]

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