The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Creeptastic News of the Day

Sitting here in my home office with the cable TV news playing in the background, I occasionally overhear summaries of stories that have nothing to do with politics, but which are nonetheless interesting as news. The case of Utah mother Susan Powell’s disappearance has been much-discussed today. This would be just another one of those “Perils of […]

I’ll Give You Three Reasons, Ann

by Smitty I’ve never understood why people who don’t trust convictions agonize over the death penalty but blandly accept life imprisonment. The bleeding hearts are compensating for their guilt over supporting the butchery of the unborn by piously bleating against the death penalty. The Iron Law is served by bloated legal bureaucracies surrounding the death […]

‘It Gets Better,’ Except When It Doesn’t and Then Teenagers Commit Suicide

If you haven’t paid much attention to public schools in recent years, you may not realize that “anti-bullying” messages are now ubiquitous, often promoted in the name of “tolerance” for gay youth. And this theme has atracted outspoken support from Hollywood celebrities: Last September, the “It Gets Better Project” was launched online as a place for […]

‘Outing’ Ellen Page: The Politicization of Sex and the Sexualization of Politics

One of the unfortunate consequences of living in a sex-obsessed culture is that sex pervades and dominates everything, so that no subject can be discussed outside a sexual context. And this explains why I’m writing about Ellen Page, a 24-year-old actress whose name I’d never heard before I received an e-mail this morning. Miss Page […]

Pro-Pedophile Group Piggybacks on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’

“[T]herapeutic morality encourages a permanent suspension of the moral sense. There is a close connection, in turn, between the erosion of moral responsibility and the waning capacity for self-help . . . between the elimination of culpability and the elimination of competence.” — Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of […]

Sexualizing 3-Year Olds on Cable TV? Hooker Costume on ‘Toddlers & Tiaras’

Meet 3-year-old Paisley, a pageant contestant on the TLC series Toddlers and Tiaras, whose mother got the genius idea to dress her as Julia Roberts’s prostitute character from Pretty Woman: The Parents Television Council is understandably outraged: “We have a serious problem when The Learning Channel features a toddler, who probably hasn’t even learned to […]

In the Future, Everyone Will Be a GOP Political Strategist for 15 Minutes

That Warhol-esque prophecy is inspired by Meredith Jessup’s post about Sarah Palin yesterday at The Blaze: There’s no doubt that Palin has become a political rock star/powerhouse, but conservatives recognize that the best place for her to make a difference is using her voice as an advocate, not a politician. This is where I play […]

Discrimination Against the Ugly? Expect a Class-Action Lawsuit by Smitty and Me

Conclusively demonstrating that aesthetically impaired Americans suffer economic disadvantages, an academic writes in the New York Times: A more radical solution may be needed: why not offer legal protections to the ugly, as we do with racial, ethnic and religious minorities, women and handicapped individuals? We actually already do offer such protections in a few […]

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