The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Just Because We Can Does Not Mean We Should

by Smitty Title lifted from the wonderfully titled Apophenia, which has an interesting definition. That post on Danah Boyd’s blog begins: Learning to moderate desires and balance consequences is a sign of maturity. I could eat only chocolate for all of my meals, but it doesn’t mean that I should. If I choose to do […]

What Does ‘Best Days Are Behind’ Mean?

by Smitty It’s easy to get hacked off about irrelevant things. The power cord somehow got caught in my sandal, my temper flared, and I managed to pull the whole power strip out of the wall. But that was a tangible thing. Abstractions are a bit harder to get at (emphasis mine): Most worrisome is […]

Is ‘Vocal Fry’ Stupider Than AutoTune?

by Smitty Via Slashdot, there is some nonsense social research into ‘vocal fry’: Vocal fry, or glottalization, is a low, staccato vibration during speech, produced by a slow fluttering of the vocal chords (listen here). Since the 1960s, vocal fry has been recognized as the lowest of the three vocal registers, which also include falsetto […]

His Name Is Jamie Cumming

And he just won’t stop: The jobless man branded ‘Britain’s most feckless dad’ for fathering 14 children has had another child – and two more are on the way. Jamie Cumming, 34, from Dundee, who lives off benefits, has had 15 children by 13 different women – and is unable to pay maintenance for any […]

‘Unwanted Advances’

On Fox News this morning, Martha MacCallum interviewed The Accuser, who characterized Herman Cain’s behavior toward her as “unwanted advances,” rather than “sexual harassment.” Watch the latest video at Professor Jacobson has said that Cain is accused of “attempted adultery” and, without regard for whether we believe The Accuser or not, it is important to […]

In Single Guy News, Slightly Tarnished Armenian Gal With A 72-Day Definition Of ‘Forever’ May Be Available

by Smitty Just a Conservative Girl quotes Her Kimness: After careful consideration, I have decided to end my marriage. I hope everyone understands this was not an easy decision. I had hoped this marriage was forever, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. We remain friends and wish each other the best. In all […]

Tuning Up the World’s Smallest Violin, Ready to Play ‘My Heart Bleeds for You’

“Little attention is being paid to the way our continuing economic crisis is hitting artists, intellectuals, musicians, and writers, [Scott] Timberg argues. And he suggests that the way those livings are collapsing has put the lie to the idea that the 21st century American economy would be pleasantly post-industrial, an interchange of valuable information by […]

Come to Think of It — No, Wait …

My unfortunate penchant for double-entendres made it rather difficult for me to read the following article: A lawyer who donated sperm to pay his way through college has learned that he has fathered an astonishing 70 children. More than 15 of those have already attempted to contact 33-year-old Ben Seisler. The donor confessed to his […]

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