The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vote Obama, So That That The ACORN-Sponsored Pre-Teen, Undocumented Prostitutes Can Keep The American Holocaust Going Strong

by Smitty Sorting out the play-by-play, a wee birdie explained to me: The Plan B manufacturer tested the ‘morning after pill’ in young girls. The FDA was set to approve Plan B for girls age 11 and up. Sensing that those advocating life would pitch a fit, Sebelius at HHS over-ruled the FDA, making sure […]

My Take On The Birth Control And Prop. 8 Decisions

by Smitty I think that the war on Catholics and the war on marriage arrive at a good time. There seems to be a great deal of bellyaching about GOP candidates “they all suck–get over it” and a general lack of vigor amongst conservatives. We’re burned out on fluffy debates and negative ads. The House […]

So, After The Left Has Politicized Everything, They Have The Sack To Whine About Those Seeing Political Overtones In Eastwood’s Superbowl Ad

by Smitty Colmes, emphasis mine: Leonard Hirshan explains: “That’s the problem; everything is political now,” says Hirshan, who tells us that he didn’t see the “Halftime” spot until it aired last night, and insisted that Eastwood agreed to make the spot without even consulting his representative of 50 years because it was “something personal he […]

Mead’s Rose Colored Glasses: Still Fetching

by Smitty Part two of Mead’s geosynchronous review of the Progressive cratering is up. Read the whole series, if you’ve time: Right now the right has something of a monopoly on this thinking, but when and if the left begins to reconnect with the ideas of emancipation and empowerment that are part of its historical […]

Notorious Right-Winger Promotes Hateful Racist Stereotypes

What kind of bigoted hatemonger would dare to promote the stereotype that African-Americans enjoy dressing up in colorful clothing and engaging in outrageous dancing to simplistic songs with pulsating rhythms? That man’s name would be the late, great Don Cornelius: Pamela Geller pays tribute to the entertainment impressario whose weekly TV program was the Fabulous Funkadelic […]

‘Why Do Younger Men Shorten Women’s Lifespans?’

by Smitty Roxanne de Luca poses the subject question. First off, I think that the Progressive notion that women=men is as much garbage as global warming. Neither gender is superior, in my estimation. I will note in Genesis 3, when the politics hit the fan, that a man is more immediately culpable. Cutting right to […]

Clearly They Move Into Higher-Order Pornography, i.e. Politics

by Smitty Forbes collects quotations from people in the pornography ‘industry’, and what a sad chuckle it is. Now, as a social conservative, I favor expressions of the human condition that drive individuals toward mature, happy, fruitful end states. Sexuality is a beautiful and powerful aspect of the human condition. Step away from the hormones […]

Yet Another Attempt At Postmodern Materialistic Reductionism

by Smitty That the scientific method is a great tool isn’t much in doubt. Where we run into challenge is when someone assumes the current scope of that tool’s descriptive power can encompass reality. Jerry Coyne offers yet another purely materialistic, neurological argument for Free Will being something more of a Chemically Constrained Will, concluding, […]

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