The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Triumph of Androgyny

“O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world that has such people in it!“ Katie Hill and her boyfriend Arin Andrews share a unique bond — they were both born as the opposite sex. Katie, 18, spent the first 15 years of her life as Luke, son […]

O’Neill: “All Politics Is Local”

by Smitty That is due to a lack of useful division between local, state, and national politics. Thus, Washington DC finds the national dialogue distracted by concerns about a particular a pair of crotches in Bozeman, Montana. Were they both male and seek some legal status that they can label ‘marriage’? Was that a heterosexual […]

@bobby_knuckles Brings The Funny

by Smitty Some lefty weenie named ‘Bobby Knuckles’ (after that which he drags?) bethinks himself a comic: @smitty_one_each… — bobby knuckles (@bobby_knuckles) October 31, 2012 (Click for full size–UPDATE: or, indeed, to view it, as somebody has their laundry in a bunch over what amounts to pure piffle.) As a part of this blog’s […]

Gang Rape, Video Orgy, Teen Suicide

Dan Riehl reports that four teenagers have been charged with gang-raping a University of Massachusetts student in her dormitory two weeks ago. Meanwhile, the New York Post reports on a 15-year-old girl who killed herself after a group-sex incident: The Staten Island high-school girl who leapt in front of a train and killed herself had […]

The Self-Dramatizing Victimhood Narrative of Lana (Neé Larry) Wachowski

There is nothing more pathological in contemporary culture than our de rigeur celebration of the hero/martyr/victim as the ambitional ideal. If you can achieve nothing else in life, you can always claim victimhood and be applauded for it. This is why we have hate hoaxes by people like Sharmeka Moffitt, and this is why all […]

Is ‘Full-Figured’ an Insult?

As opposed to, for example, “Holy kamoley, look at the incredible size of the ginormous hooters on that redhead“? Mad Men star Christina Hendricks has slammed a reporter for being rude after she was asked whether she has inspired other women with her ‘full figure’. The 37-year-old TV star was offended when asked about her […]

In Which I Admit To An Abiding E.W. Jackson Affection, With A Side Of Mia Love

by Smitty Military background? Check. Unrepentant, exceptional American stand? Check. Unambiguously Christian worldview, without veering into Fred Phelps territory? Check, check, check! Here is some more information. A debate between Jackson and Jeremiah Wright could be interesting indeed. . . And for Mia Love, queue the ‘raaaaace traitor’ smears in 3. . .2. . . […]

In Which I Confess Confusion

by Smitty One of those bits of ‘Dude Wisdom’ is that you don’t try to figure women out. No good can come of the effort. Relax, become comfortable with the unfathomability. But still. . . the picture above seems so contradictory. The entire slut ethos would seem to be about pure, present-tense carnal release. Hedonism […]

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