The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death Porn Media Victim Unexpectedly Negative About The Encounter

by Smitty Read the whole post from Mama by the Bay. A sample: But you know what I do remember? YOU were there. YOU, with your enormous video cameras. YOU, with your microphones poking into the bubble of grief that grew bigger as we waited for our parents to find us. YOU, with your horrible […]

Chris Rock Was Right

“Liberals talk about banning guns as if it’s the same as banning murder and banning evil.” — Ace of Spades “Gun-free zones are premised on a lie: that murderers will follow rules, and that people like my student are a greater danger to those around them than crazed killers. That’s an insult to honest people. […]

Naked Celebrity News Update (Or, the Parable of the Prodigal Upskirt)

Because I’m trying not to offend the Pope — he’s on Twitter now, and I’m still hoping to get a “Follow Friday” shout-out — I resisted the temptation to headline this item “Anne Hathaway Upskirt,” although I decided it wouldn’t hurt to use that as the URL. It seems that at this week’s premiere of Les […]

None Dare Call It ‘Decadent’

“Television, naturally enough, is biased toward compelling visual imagery, and in almost all cases the charms of a human face take precedence over the capabilities of a human voice. . . . It is the teller, and not what is told, that matters here.” — Neil Postman, The Disappearance of Childhood (1994) “The 19th-century cult of success […]

Science, Progress, Consensus and Doubt: Darwinism and Reason in the Balance

“My attitude toward progress has passed from antagonism to boredom. I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday.” — G.K. Chesteron, 1923 “God has given us plenty of evidence of who he is.” — Dr. Ben Carson, 2012 It seems that Rand Simberg doesn’t include Dr. […]

Lindsey Stone of Plymouth, Mass., Has ‘Been Placed on Unpaid Leave Pending the Results of an Internal Investigation’

“This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in general. . . . OBVIOUSLY we meant NO disrespect to people that serve or have served in our military.” — Lindsey Stone of Plymouth, Massachusetts Alas, Lindsey, it wasn’t quite as obvious to others as it was to you, eh? While I […]

HuffPo and the Homo-Supremacy Agenda

The rah-rah from the cheerleaders has become so deafening that people don’t even hear the noise anymore, and can’t think clearly about what is being constantly shouted at them. Shorter HuffPo: Isn’t It Totally Awesome That Nate Silver Sucks Cock?… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 19, 2012 Shorter HuffPo: Isn’t It Awesome That […]

Gadsden Phoenix Rises. Detractors Can Kiss Her Ashes.

by Smitty Instapundit liked the tweet last night: At the local Tea Party meeting. For ~70 dead people, these zombies are kinda spun up. — Chris Smith (@smitty_one_each) November 13, 2012   There was some admission of the suckage of the situation, and discussion that we need to get over the fact that (to paraphrase) […]

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