The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When the Truth Is Scandalous

Jonathan Karl of ABC News is evidently a Republican, and liberals think it’s a horrible scandal that a Republican could be employed as a reporter: “Didn’t he see the ‘No Republicans Allowed’ sign?” Meanwhile, Jason Richwine’s recent resignation from the Heritage Foundation, a subject I haven’t previously discussed, yields a secondary story that is either […]

‘Diversity Is Our Strength’ — And Also Leads to Hate-Crime Murder in New York

Dan Riehl points out that “three Hispanic males” were implicated in the murder of a gay black man in Greenwich Village, a potentially relevant fact that the New York Times couldn’t be bothered to mention in maundering on about the historic vicinity of the crime: Mark Carson did not hide that he was gay, and […]

Jahar, the Teen Idol Terrorist

Irrationality comes in many varieties, including tribal loyalty, religious fanaticism and anti-social alienation: Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left a note claiming responsibility for the April 13 attack, reports CBS News senior correspondent John Miller. Sources tell Miller that Tsarnaev wrote the note in the boat he was hiding in as police pursued him, and […]

Teenage Girls on Trial in Canada for Running Prostitution Ring

You think kids are bad in America? In Ottawa, three teenage girls are accused of running a prostitution ring that victimized nine other girls, some as young as 13: The three Ottawa girls, two who were 15 and one who was 16 when they were arrested, have pleaded not guilty to a total of 74 […]

Formerly Relevant Celebrity News

You know how there are some people who seem really important or popular for a while, and then their 15 minutes of fame expires? And then, in a desperate bid to recapture their former glory, they engage in some kind of cheap publicity stunt? “Pay attention to me!” Whoa! How did I miss THIS?@meghanmccain and […]

Teen Sex News: Federal Judge Orders ‘Morning After’ Pills for Underage Girls

Poster for 1967 film, Teenage Mother It is illegal to have sex with minors, but because perverts can’t help themselves, the federal government will now be their accomplice in getting rid of the evidence: A federal judge ruled Friday that the government must make the most common morning-after pill available over the counter for all […]

Obama Hasn’t ‘Evolved’ That Far … Yet

Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services requested public comment on a proposal to provide taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery, but scrubbed the proposal off their Web site as soon as it was reported by news agencies. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air understands the Obama-logic: Congress has been arguing over how to limit the current Medicare/Medicaid […]

‘You Better Back It Up’: Security Guard Tasers Aggressive Woman on Video

What led to this dispute at an Atlanta mini-mall in January, I don’t know. This video went viral and already has more than 2 million views. By the time the security guard’s camera starts rolling, two obstreperous women are hurling the “n-word” and various obscene slurs at the guard, who repeatedly warns them to leave. Finally, after […]

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