The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science

“Pretty Baby has been banned outright in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. No less a moral arbiter than Rona Barrett solemnly advised her TV audience that the movie is ‘child pornography.’ Others have attacked its French director . . . as a combination of Humbert Humbert and Roman Polanski.” — Kristin McMurran, People […]

‘Relationship’ as a Euphemism: What Does This Tell Us About the Culture?

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family says she’s a victim of homophobia. A week ago, Canadian lesbian Kristin Ireland wrote: The Kaitlyn Hunt case haunts me. Never more than a few moments out of my mind. I read every word I can find on the subject. And I search for similar cases. How many of our young people […]

Our Own Corner Of The Library

— by Wombat-socho I’ve been a science fiction reader for most of my life, starting with a copy of Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time I was given in second grade and continuing on through Robert Heinlein’s juvenile novels to Asimov, Silverberg and other grand masters. I’m old enough to remember when the artsy-fartsy “New […]

A Definition of Insanity

Years ago, I visited a friend’s house and watched his wife take a poll: “What do you want for breakfast?” The survey sample was quite small: Their 3-year-old son, who wasted about 45 seconds of his mother’s time before deciding which flavor of sugary cereal he wanted. Courtesy forbade me to tell my friend’s wife […]

#FreeKate Lies Unravel; Roman Polanski Could Not Be Reached for Comment

“The first time occurred in the bathroom of the W wing at Sebastian High School. [The 14-year-old] stated that they sent text messages to each other to meet in the bathroom. [The 14-year-old] and Kaitlyn went into a bathroom stall and started kissing. Kaitlyn then took [the 14-yea-old’s] pants off and put her finger inside […]

Aggravating Circumstances: Against the #FreeKate Campaign for Sexual Anarchy

“The law is what it is, and if it is truly equality the Gay rights activists want, then they have it in this case. . . . You do not get to scream ‘special privileges’ when you break the rules.” — Doug Hagin, “An undeniable truth, sex sells” “Judges want to f— young girls. Juries […]

Because She’s Cute, That’s Why

Some friends have asked why I’m being such a hard-ass about the Kaitlyn Hunt case. Certainly, my personal experience and opinions are relevant to the situation, and perhaps later I’ll discuss the case in terms of my perspective as an erstwhile teenage hoodlum. No one familiar with Rule Five of “How to Get a Million […]

Cultural Survival Instinct

The counter-jihad blogger known as Fjordman has an essay up at David Horowitz’s Front Page Magazine about the situation in Norway. Norway’s immigrant population is small compared to that in the United States, but the problems arising seem much worse: In May 2011 [Labour Party activist Eskil Pedersen] pressed criminal charges against a Member of Parliament, Christian […]

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