The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘It’s Tough to Be a Man, Baby!’

The title line from the unfortunately forgotten 1983 comedy D.C. Cab came to mind today when I encountered yet another reaction to the controversial new bestseller by Dr. Helen Smith, Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream–and Why it Matters. It seems that everyone has an opinion on this […]

Real Life Is Not a Reality TV Audition

Maybe you saw the story via Althouse: Colorado officials have ruled that an elementary school was guilty of “discrimination” for not letting Coy Mathis use the girl’s bathroom. Coy is 6 and thinks he’s a girl. The ruling cited “evolving research on transgender development.” Question: Does this “evolving research” say anything about the influence of […]

Perverts, Degenerates and Sociopaths

Sue Lyon in Lolita (1962) S.J. Reidhead has an excellent examination of the characteristic problems of pro-pedophile apologists in the “Free Kate” movement, an inevitable consequence of the arguments that the Hunt family has made in defense of the accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt. From the beginning, both Kaitlyn’s parents have been dishonest about […]

It Hasn’t Been As Much Fun Since The Bear Up And Died

— by Wombat-socho Or, A Lot Of Words And Not Enough Pictures About Technothrillers A couple of weeks ago we had a nice discussion in the comments about combat SF and the non-PC offerings of science fiction publisher Baen Books, and we were graced with some comments and linkagery by Sarah Hoyt. At the time, […]

NSA and the Ethos of the Geek Elite

Edward Snowden as a 22-year-old übergeek “I woke this morning with a new name. I had had a vision. A dream vision. A vision righteous and true. . . . “You’ve felt it, known it, recognized it. “Now realize it. “I woke this morning with a new name. That name is Wolfking. “Wolfking Awesomefox.” — […]

Naked 19-Year-Old News Update

Question: How much dope do you have to smoke before “naked spiritual quest” sounds like a good idea?… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 12, 2013 Officials have halted search operations for Maureen Kelly, who has been missing since Sunday in a remote Washington State forest. Kelly, a 19-year-old from Vancouver, disappeared in what […]

Hollywood Script: Hipster Geek With Hot Girlfriend Fights ‘Omniscient’ Government

Edward Snowden’s ex-girlfriend: He left her for a trip to federal prison. “[Snowden] rails against ‘the dangerous truth behind the U.S. policies that seek to develop secret, irresistible powers and concentrate them in the hands of an unaccountable few.’ “He declares that ‘At this point in history, the greatest danger to our freedom and way […]

‘Oh, My God. They Were Everywhere’

Young stars circa 1987: Corey Haim (left) and Corey Feldman Apropos of recent controversies, Pete Da Tech Guy quotes a 2011 interview with former child actor Corey Feldman: “I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem for children in this […]

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