The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nora Louise Kuzma, Sydney Leathers: Commodities in a Sexual Marketplace

Traci Lords (a.k.a., Nora Louise Kuzma) at age 17 in 1985 “Traci Lords, who had been hailed as ‘the Meryl Streep of the porn industry,’ was in fact 17-year-old Nora Louise Kuzma. She was first molested at age 10 and later promoted as an ‘adult’ movie actress by her mother’s ex-boyfriend, a California cocaine dealer. […]

And Then, Inexplicably, the Villain Decides to Deliver an Arrogant Lecture …

. . . a lecture just long enough to allow the seemingly doomed underdog hero to reach his 9-mm pistol and blast that son of bitch. Hero says sarcastic tough-guy line. Hero is embraced by vulnerable female lead amid wreckage. Roll credits over pop-music theme. At some point, intelligent people grow up and get tired of seeing […]

Representin’ Ewok and the Signifyin’ Jive

Shocking Thuggery from @AceofSpadesHQ: "Hell, I love a good hoodie." Another vapor-huffing Ewok hoodlum! #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 17, 2013 Inside jokes about Ace’s resemblance to the cuddly creatures of The Return of the Jedi are a sort of signification — an advertisement of tribal membership — in the same way […]

Verdict in Florida, Violence in Oakland, Insanity in Media, Ignorance Everywhere

Will the Zimmerman Trial Verdict Spark L.A.-Style Riots? — Philadelphia Magazine, June 25 Marxist protesters in California display posters bearing the logo of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. “History interests the radical elite only as it can be used to foment anti-capitalist passions, and they cherry-pick history to fit their own leftist interpretations, so […]

Neutral Objective Incompetence: How Ginger Gorham Aided Pedophile Network

“I felt no sense anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household, and I’ve gone over and over about it in my brain and I did not feel anything was wrong. … I’m profoundly shocked and disgusted by what’s happened. Since then, I just […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Big Gay Pride Day: Is ‘Jailbait Rights’ Now Mainstream?

The Hunt family continued their campaign to make their 18-year-old daughter America’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ by taking her to New York for Sunday’s 44th annual Gay Pride Parade. Because defending Kate’s right to have gay sex with 14-year-olds isn’t all about lawyers and petitions, you know. It’s also about marching in parades and sightseeing in […]

Evanescent Youth, Predatory Persistence

“Now there is what appears to be a concerted effort to lower, or even obliterate, the age of consent; but I suspect the culprits engaged therein are less interested in long-term relationships — children eventually grow up, after all — than in simply getting their hands into some poor kid’s Garanimals.” — Charles G. Hill, […]

Worst. Cartoon. Vagina. EVER.

Here’s the headline: Cartoon Vagina Fights ‘Cultural Stigma’ of Masturbation And I know your first question: “Is this NSFW?” It’s probably OK, unless you start laughing so hard that Diet Pepsi comes out of your nose and gets all over your computer screen. Your second question: “Stacy, how did you find that weird thing?” Well, […]

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