The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Internet Douchebag Patrol: Commie Scum and Other Satanic Creatures From Hell

“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. . . . He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that […]

Squeaky Fromme, Sara Jane Moore, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Radical Impulse

Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme, 1975 President Gerald Ford’s video testimony about Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme’s 1975 assassination attempt has been released, and if you read through the story, you encounter this: At times during the trial, [Fromme] was ordered removed from court because of her tantrums and bizarre ramblings about the environment, saving the redwoods and other […]

Potius Mori Quam Foedari

Loosely translated, “Death before dishonor.” Brand-new blogger Brad the Bastard paid me this high compliment: When Stacy dies his wife should save herself some money and put just one word on his tombstone — RELENTLESS. Did anyone think that when I caught the whiff of bovine excrement around the “Free Kate” narrative, and realized those […]

Bradley Manning Declares Himself ‘Chelsea’

by Ali A. Akbar In a statement read on the “Today” show this morning, Bradley Manning, who  just yesterday was sentenced to 35 years by a judge after he was found guilty of releasing hundreds of thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks, declared himself a woman. “Chelsea” to be more precise. Here’s the statement: Subject: […]

Perversion for Breakfast

Last week, ABC decided to advertise its primetime soap opera Betrayal during its Good Morning America program, and publicist Rebecca Seitz was shocked that her 8-year-old son was exposed to steamy sex scenes at 8 a.m.: What HELL just ascended into my living room and burned itself into my precious boy’s brain? . . . […]

Diana West Dissed by David Horowitz?

Regular readers will remember the shocking revelation — “‘A Conspiracy So Immense’ — Was FDR Aide Harry Hopkins a Soviet Agent?” — from Diana West’s new book, American Betrayal. Now comes disturbing news from Diana that David Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine has removed a favorable review of her book from that site and replaced it with what […]

In Which the Untalented @AndOHehir Gets Owned by @AceOfSpadesHQ

Some liberal motifs are perennial: When God and Man at Yale was published in 1951, liberals denounced Buckley as a fanatic and worse. One hostile reviewer accused him of “un-Christian arrogance,” while another said that Buckley’s book had “the glow and appeal of a fiery cross on a hillside at night.” From a 2010 Andrew […]

A Dozen Short Points On The Big Picture

by Smitty I’d just like to respond to a variety of my good interlocutors, briefly, on a swath of topics. Social: Life: begins when the information that defines you is available: conception. You own your own greatness, or not. You don’t own the non-greatness of others. Gender: is defined by chromosomes. Become the best male […]

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