The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Lee Harvey Oswald Democrats

Lee Harvey Oswald, arrested after an August 1963 pro-Castro protest “The alienated radical suffers from feelings of helplessness and insignificance and, unable to find satisfaction in ordinary life, seeks to vindicate himself — to prove that he is a person of historical importance — by grandiose gestures on behalf of fringe ideologies, savagely lashing out […]

Miley Cyrus: Insult to Injury

Alessandra gets angry about Miley Cyrus trying to use complaints about a “double standard” to defend her decadent behavior: What few people have analyzed is how much liberals have normalized the worst of sexism in the name of liberation (sexual or for women). It’s exactly analogous to their claim that they are “liberating” homosexuals when […]

The Left Suppresses Its Own History

Lee Stranahan has an excellent article about how the Left has attempted to hide the truth about its own ideological history, so that anyone who uses the phrase “Cultural Marxism” to describe the crucial influence of the Frankfurt School (Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, et al.) is accused of being a “conspiracy theorist” or worst: The […]


Where’s Joe McCarthy when we really need him? Protests against General David Petraeus Monday by CUNY students were organized by an ad hoc committee that includes several Communist groups. A leaflet for the protests, which refers to Petraeus as a “war criminal” and “mass murderer,” says that the events were organized by the Ad Hoc Committee Against the […]

Courage, Alessandra: ‘Let Us Determine to Die Here, and We Will Conquer!’

It’s weird how tunnel-vision can limit our knowledge of the online world. There are vast swaths of the Internet I’ve never seen. Today I noticed an inbound link from “Reflections by Alessandra,” who praised as “beautiful . . . must read” something I’d written. Alessandra’s blog seems to have an almost monomaniacal focus on fighting […]

‘Kafkatrapping’ and the Left’s Mental Assault Against America’s Future

“In the hands of a skillful indoctrinator, the average student not only thinks what the indoctrinator wants him to think . . . but is altogether positive that he has arrived at his position by independent intellectual exertion. This man is outraged by the suggestion that he is the flesh-and-blood tribute to the success of […]

The Proverbial Broken Clock

Richard Cohen of the Washington Post is one of the worst newspaper columnists in America, or perhaps the world, and I usually try to avoid reading him, which only makes me angry. But the damned thing about Cohen is, about twice a year, he writes something sensible, and then I hate myself for agreeing with […]

Washington Post Publishes Jailbait Apologist (Ain’t I Done Told You So?)

Besty Karasik is an airhead who quit her job as a laywer to become a painter. Whatever the art community gained by that transaction, the legal community lost no wisdom. In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Karasik argues for decriminalizing student-teacher sex: [W]ith our legal and moral codes failing us, our society needs to have […]

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