The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Our Moral Superiors: @Peter_Turchin’s Career of Selfish Academic Decadence

The Myth of Progress, which imagines history generally as a more or less steady advancement toward enlightenment, is dependent upon our willingness to ignore the possibility of decadence. Are we really more “enlightened” than the Founding Fathers? Do we see, in the general social and cultural trends around us, evidence of our moral and intellectual […]

The Douchebag Manifesto

Portrait of the hacker as a young douchebag. “The hypocrisy of ‘law and order’ and the injustices caused by capitalism cannot be cured by institutional reform but through civil disobedience and direct action.” — Jeremy Hammond, Nov. 15, 2013 “I gotta be me, as the douchebag credo goes.” — Ace of Spades, Nov. 20, 2012 […]

Remember the Pro-Pedophile Movement That Liberals Pretend Doesn’t Exist?

Considering how often we’re told that there is no such movement, the ongoing effort to legalize sex with kids sure keeps busy: The [British] prime minister has rejected a call from a leading expert on public health to lower the age of consent to 15. Faculty of Public Health president Prof John Ashton said society […]

Feminists Fear the Republican Uterus

“Feminism is the theory; lesbianism is the practice.” — Ti-Grace Atkinson, 1971 “The political economy of socialist feminism establishes that, in contemporary society, women suffer a special form of exploitation and oppression.” — Allison Jaggar, 1988 “Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice.” — Andrea Dworkin, 1989 Professional athletes can spawn with […]

Lena Dunham and the Politics of Vagina

“If you’ve ever watched Girls or have been aware of the things Lena Dunham says, you’d see a portrait of narcissism and entitlement. … “It is the idea that the women on the show are entitled to men wanting them. Despite any flaw — whether it be physical, emotional, or a lack of accomplishments — they are owed a relationship […]

Relentless Perversity: #FreeKate Freaks Attempt to Silence Courageous Critics

The #FreeKate fascists don't want anyone to notice their campaign to silence @Jeanette_Runyon #tgdn — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 9, 2013 Evil never sleeps. Evil is active, shameless and persistent. The assault on virtue and truth continues every minute of every day, and anyone who fails to speak out against evil is thereby an […]

Lucrative Campus Perversion: Sex Freak Gets Paid to Fist-F**k Student Minds

Dan Savage is one of the most hateful anti-Christian extremists on the planet, and the fact that this filthy degenerate creep was paid $24,000 to speak at a public university ought to be sufficient cause for outrage, even without reference to the sordid details of what Dan Savage actually said to the students, shocking as […]

Teacher Calls Parent ‘Neo-Nazi’ for Criticizing Eighth-Grade Project

A Pennsylvania father objected when his daughter’s middle-school history teacher assigned a project about a New York Times article blaming Republicans for the government shutdown. His complaint apparently made him the target of an orchestrated response by faculty at Camp Hill Middle School, and an English teacher named Cydnee Cohen left a voicemail message for […]

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