Police Charge Ohio Democrat With Faking His Own Kidnapping
Some media are calling Adam Hoover a “gay rights activist,” which is really just a clever way of saying “Ohio Democrat”: A suburban Cincinnati gay rights activist was charged with a misdemeanor early Tuesday after police say he falsely claimed online that he was kidnapped and thrown in the trunk of his car, NBC affiliate […]
Not Making This Up
Child killer Polly Chowdhury (left) and her lesbian lover Kiki Muddar (right) A crime story that has everything: A Muslim lesbian was today found guilty of torturing her eight-year-old daughter to death with the help of her vampire-obsessed lover. Polly Chowdhury, 35, became convinced Ayesha Ali was ‘possessed’ and that she needed to be ‘punished’ […]
The Motives of Moody Loners
Last month’s shooting in Chapel Hill, N.C., sparked a raging online argument over whether it was (a) an anti-Muslim hate crime or (b) a dispute over a parking space. The insistence that the motive for the crime was either one or the other omits the possibility that it was (c) both or (d) neither. The victims […]
Two California Teachers Charged in Beach Sex Party With Five Teenage Boys
Alcohol, blowjobs and cocaine — the California ABCs: Two teachers who were arrested in January for allegedly having a beach sex party with five male students have been hit with new charges – including that they supplied cocaine to the minors. Melody Lippert, 38, and Michelle Ghirelli, 30, from the Los Angeles suburb of Covina, […]
The #RapeCulture Feminists Ignore
Don’t expect @JessicaValenti or any other feminist to mention the names Qumaire Rainey, Edward London and Casey Franks: One of several victims of a Jan. 19 home invasion and robbery was sexually assaulted four times by three of the assailants, according to Metro’s arrest report. Three teens arrested in the attacks were in court Friday […]
Texas: Teacher Suspected of Lesbian Sex With Student at Christian Academy
New Braunfels, Texas, is a rapidly growing community near I-35, about 30 miles from San Antonio and 45 minutes from Austin. In the past 20 years, the population of New Braunfels has roughly doubled and it now has more than 60,000 residents. Despite this rapid growth, it’s still a fairly small town, and this news must come […]
Ivy League Lynch Mobs
The “rape culture” hysteria hyped by feminist fanatics keeps producing new atrocities at elite universities. I was frankly shocked when I learned the truth about Emma Sulkowicz’s vendetta against Paul Nungesser at Columbia. She accused him of rape six months after their last hook-up, without a scintilla of evidence, and when the university refused to […]
‘She Could Be the Victim’
Nicole Dufault likes young boys, allegedly: A Maplewood (N.J.) teacher has been indicted on charges of sexually assaulting six male students, Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn A. Murray announced today. Nicole Dufault, 35, of Caldwell, was indicted on 40 counts of aggravated sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child, according to a press […]
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