The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Teenager Uses Gay Dating App to Meet Cute Strangers, and Bad Things Happen

As I’ve often explained, online dating is for losers. The very fact that somebody is trying to hook up via an Internet site or smartphone app tells you that nobody they actually know in real life is willing to date them. Guys who engage in online dating are a bunch of desperate creeps, sorting through […]

Laura Dunn Is an Evil Liar

  When she was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin in 2004, Laura Dunn got drunk and had a ménage à trois with two guys. More than a year later, she decided she was a rape victim and filed a complaint with the university, and also reported the alleged rape to the campus police: […]

Detroit Police Officer Dies

Officer Glenn Doss (left); murder suspect Decharlos Brooks (right). The Detroit News reports: Officer Glenn Anthony Doss, the 25-year-old Detroit police officer shot while responding to a domestic violence call last week on the city’s east side, died Sunday, the police chief announced. Chief James Craig said Doss, a who joined the force two years […]

Deborah Frisch Yelled Anti-Asian Insults During Arrest, According to Police Report

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., after her Jan. 5 arrest in Bend, Oregon. Deborah Frisch was “uncooperative” and shouted racial slurs when she was arrested in Oregon earlier this month, according to a police report. Frisch, a former university professor who was wanted on a fugitive warrant from Colorado, became “extremely hostile and belligerent” when police […]

Violence Against Women: Video Shows Confession in MS-13 Gang Murder

Venus Romero Iraheta pleaded guilty to murdering a 15-year-old girl. MS-13, Mara Salvatrucha, is a notoriously violent criminal gang formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s by “millions of immigrants from El Salvador [who] came to the United States after a violent civil war” in that country (which President Trump recently called a “sh–hole”). Last […]

Illegal Alien Causes Mayhem by Threatening to Shoot Bus Passengers

Margarito Vargas-Rosas was arrested Friday. Bizarre news from Wisconsin: The man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot and kill people on a Greyhound bus Friday night was a previously deported illegal immigrant living in Chicago, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling said Saturday. During a news conference Saturday afternoon at the Racine County Sheriff’s Office substation, […]

Democrats Love ‘S***hole’ Countries, and They Want America to Become One

“This remark by the president of the United States smacks of blatant racism, the most odious and insidious racism masquerading poorly as immigration policy. And I’ll be very blunt, the president doesn’t speak for me as an American. He demeans America. He demeans and betrays American values by these kinds of remarks.” — Sen. Richard […]

Violence Against Women: Convict Kills His Mother’s Girlfriend and Her Daughter

Marlin Larice Joseph is accused of murder in Florida. Marlin Larice Joseph, 26, has tattoos on his face. In 2013, he was charged with “lewd behavior” involving a 13-year-old girl, and was sentenced to prison. He served less than a year of that sentence, and was living with his mother, Robin Denson, in West Palm […]

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