The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When ‘Balanced’ Journalism Is Bad

As what point does journalistic objectivity shade into the “who are we to judge” posture of moral relativism? Do journalists have an obligation to call evil by its right name? These questions crossed my mind as I watched an ABC  Good Morning America segment about Kaitlyn Hunt, who copped a plea Thursday on felony charges […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Father Threatens Violence: ‘F–king Beat Him Till He Can’t Function’

Steven R. Hunt Jr., whose 19-year-old daughter pleaded “no contest” to felony sex crimes today in Florida, erupted in an angry obscenity-strewn screed on Facebook, threatening violence against a person he called “f–king scum” but did not name: “Now whoever likes to associate with all these low live f–ks make sure you pass that f–king […]

Thug Family Values: Kaitlyn Hunt Plea Deal Prompts Bitter Rant by Her Father

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family was featured on the Today show, May 23 The headline at Viral Read: Kaitlyn Hunt Takes Plea Deal in Florida Teen Sex Crime Case Having sex with a 14-year-old is a crime in Florida, and the criminal sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt pleaded “no contest” today in Vero Beach, accepting the deal offered […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Mother on Plea Deal: ‘It’s Not Right, It’s Not Fair and It’s Not Just’

We scarcely need wonder where the criminal pervert gets her lawless irresponsible attitude, eh? Kelley Hunt Smith on Facebook: Tomorrow at 11am Kate will accept the State’s plea offer that was given this week. It’s been a long, painful 8 months but after much prayer and counsel Kate has decided to take the plea offer. […]

Accused Sex Offender Kaitlyn Hunt ‘Expected to Accept’ Plea Deal: CNN

Last night I reported the latest offer from prosecutors, but now CNN adds this important detail in the Kaitlyn Hunt saga: Hunt’s attorney was involved in crafting the deal, Workman said, and Hunt is expected to accept the plea agreement. She had refused at least two other deals. “I believe this is a fair and […]

Kaitlyn Hunt Gets Another Plea Offer

The state’s attorney’s office in Vero Beach, Florida, has offered another plea-bargain deal to accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt: Special conditions in the plea include: *Hunt remains jailed until December 20, and on that date, probation will convert to community control. *She shall have no contact directly or indirectly, including electronically or through third parties, […]

Bad Causes Attract Bad People: Now That the ‘Free Kate’ Narrative Has Collapsed …

Accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt was sent to jail after an August hearing. “A few days from now, Jim and Laurie Smith of [REDACTED], Vero Beach, FL, are going to be murdered by Lycere Freemartin Cunningham for their involvement in the Kaitlyn Hunt case. Mr. Cunningham has learned that Mr. Smith has caused new charges […]

Latest #FreeKate Update: Kaitlyn Hunt Being Bullied in Jail? ‘She Is Just a Kid’!

Kaitlyn Hunt has been reminded why they call it ‘jailbait’ You may recall that three weeks ago, Kaitlyn Hunt’s mother was shocked that her Precious Little Pervert was in a real jail with real criminals. Tuesday night, Kelley Hunt Smith posted on Facebook: She’s been having some trouble with a few inmates bullying her, but […]

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