The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Won’t @ThomasArzi_ Stop?

  The response of Thomas Mix to my coverage Wednesday of his Florida lawsuit against Jeanette Runyon has been shocking. He has repeatedly made statements on his Twitter account that would appear to be threats to do me harm. His online conversations with “Nicole Bonnet” were sufficiently alarming that I wrote an email to Mr. […]

Should @Thomas_Arzi’s ‘Works of Darkness’ Be Hidden From the Light?

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” — Ephesians 5:11:13 (KJV) […]

UPDATE: Why Would @NicoleBonnet1 and @_Lazarus___ Be Threatening Me?

  After I described Thomas Mix’s Florida lawsuit against Jeanette Runyon, suddenly Mix’s Twitter account (@_Lazarus___) began chattering away with @NicoleBonnet1 in a manner that some people might interpret as threatening and conspiring to harm me. Anyone may search the Twitter archives to discover how closely allied these two characters are. Please, read what I […]

The @Nero Solution (and an Unfortunate Update on the #FreeKate Fallout)

  Milo Yiannopoulos has solved the “harassment” problem: The fact is, women are more easily rattled by nastiness than men. That’s a stereotype, but it’s also true — in the landmark Pew study on online harassment, women were more than twice as likely as men to say they were “very upset” by online harassment. That’s why, despite […]

Emerging Awareness Update II: Can You Guess Who’s Expecting a Baby Now?

Yes, it’s The World’s Most Famous Sex Offender™, the Florida teenager who became a lesbian civil rights hero, Kaitlyn Hunt: A woman who made headlines for having an intimate relationship with an underage girl when they were in high school in 2012 now is 10 weeks pregnant through a sperm donation, her mother said Sunday. […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Probation Page

The World’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ was released from the Indian River County Jail Dec. 20 and will remain part of Florida’s “supervised population” until Oct. 1, 2016. WPTV reported: VERO BEACH, Fla. — Kaitlyn Hunt, the Sebastian-area teenager who was arrested after police said she had a sexual relationship with an underage girl, was […]

Happy #FreeKate Thanksgiving: Lesbian Cheerleader Spends Holiday in Jail

Of the many strange stories I’ve covered in my 27-year career, none of them — not even the 2012 Iowa GOP caucus campaign — was quite as bizarre as the Kaitlyn Hunt story, which originally struck me as sort of a joke: “You deviant weirdos thought Jailbait Lesbian School Girls was just a popular DVD title, but […]

What #FreeKate and Brett Kimberlin Have in Common (Besides the Obvious)

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 “It is very easy to decide ‘this isn’t any of my trouble’ and permit vicious behavior. “Who wants to get involved? Easier, and surely safer, just to duck one’s head and hide, and hope the danger visits someone else. . . . “And why […]

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