The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Will Jeb Bush Connect With Tea Partiers At CPAC?

by Smitty Via email from the ACU: ACU ANNOUNCES GOVERNOR JEB BUSH TO ADDRESS CPAC 2013 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Conservative Union (ACU) today announced former Florida Governor Jeb Bush will address CPAC 2013 – the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference. America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists will be held Thursday, […]

Breitbart in February: ‘You Want a Unity Speech? I’ll Give You a Unity Speech.’

FLORENCE, South Carolina Back in February at CPAC, Andrew Breitbart gave a speech in which he called for unifying conservatives to defeat the Left: Anyone that’s willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker, and if you’re not in that bunker ’cause you’re not satisfied with […]

Defending The American Dream Summit 2-4 Aug 2012

by Smitty I just signed up for DTADS next month. Gov. Scott Walker, Michelle Malkin, Paul Ryan, Mark Levin. The list goes on. Hopefully I’ll catch up with Stacy McCain’s chum Tabitha Hale. She’s actually pretty cool, despite the chip collection on Stacy’s shoulder. The Axis of Fedora, of course, will be on the prowl […]

Andrew Breitbart in CPAC Video:
‘This Is the Charles Johnson Special’

Thanks to I Own the World for this memorable video moment in which Andrew Breitbart poses for a photo with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, featuring a surprise cameo appearance: People who get the joke are laughing their asses off. Everybody else is wondering, “Who is Charles Johnson?” UPDATE: Professor Reynolds gets the joke. And […]

Our Tolerant Liberal Overlords (Unexpectedly!) Mock Dancing Lesbian

She insists on being known as “A Conservative Lesbian, Cynthia Yockey,” because that gets her to the top of any alphabetically ordered blogroll, at least until I change the name of this blog to “AAA Homophobic Sexist Patriarchal Theocratic Right-Wing Swine.” But I digress . . . A video of Cynthia dancing to a rap […]

Who Wants to See Tina Korbe’s Thighs?

The title of this post is not a hypothetical question, because last week the aforesaid Miss Korbe joined her Hot Air colleague Ed Morrissey for a video interview with Rick Santorum, which I didn’t see until somebody brought it to my attention yesterday: Our keen-eyed readers will note that at the 0:28 mark of the […]

Cody’s Totally Excellent CPAC

Cody with Daniel and John Santorum at CPAC, Feb. 10, 2012 His blog is called “Modicum of Insanity” (formerly “Letters From a Young American”) and he’s a student at Patrick Henry College. Two weeks ago, he sent me an e-mail to explain that he just got credentialed for CPAC — his first time at the […]

Santorum Resurgent (But Nobody Loves the Future U.S. Ambassador to Vanuatu)

After working on a long (and still unpublished) draft post this morning, I checked Memeorandum and saw these headlines: Santorum’s Turn — National Review Santorum moves ahead in Michigan — Public Policy Polling Gingrich Money Hunt Faces Obstacles — New York Times All of which stories were published after I sent my column to The […]

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