The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Senator Marco Rubio At CPAC Liveblog

by Smitty 13:17 Ran three years ago, came to CPAC, when my chances of winning were equal to winning at a Papal Conclave. 13:19 Have the people changed? No. The world around us has changed due to technology, impacting people. 13:20 People are worried about man-made crises they see coming from DC. 13:21 Who is […]

CPAC Update: Finally Connected

by Smitty The National Harbor venue is a real plus up. Tea Party News Network is fronting the WiFi, which is great, since somehow my 4G services aren’t working here (!!?!). Much more spacious. The exhibit floor does not feel like a sauna. Norquist’s panel “AAA America: Could a Federal Balanced Budget Amendment Save America […]

Does Brett Kimberlin Really Need Another Lesson in ‘The Streisand Effect’?

Aaron Walker tells the story of his most recent encounter with the “Speedway Bomber.” It’s like Wile E. Coyote and Acme rocket skates: You might think he’d learn a lesson, but somehow he never does: Brett Kimberlin – who spent 17 years in federal prison after being convicted as Indiana’s infamous “Speedway Bomber” – showed […]

CPAC 2014 Idea

by Smitty This year’s CPAC is a done deal, with the usual kerfuffles about groups that are too sexuality-centric (GOProud) and too controversial (Pamela Geller). I’d favor an improvement in the Rules of Engagement that supports bringing in more people with whom I don’t necessarily agree, as long as there are ground rules about how […]

Sending Bloggers to CPAC

The National Bloggers Club is raising money to send bloggers to CPAC. From the press release: With the largest annual gathering, the Conservative Political Action Conference, less than three weeks away, the National Bloggers Club launched a new scholarship fund to send at least four citizen-journalists to the annual conference at the Gaylord National Resort […]

Connecting the Dots, Telling the Story

“[Neal] Rauhauser consistently promoted the hoax-hack theory of the WeinerGate scandal, continuing to argue that [Rep. Anthony] Weiner had been the victim of some devious hacker, even after Weiner admitted his guilt and resigned from office. Rauhauser also repeatedly linked [Brett] Kimberlin’s ‘Indict Breitbart’ site and, along the way, made several interesting statements.” — Robert […]

Gov. Sarah Palin To Address CPAC; Doug Mataconis’s Nose Wrinkles In Disdain

by Smitty CPAC 2013 remains a crucial huddle for the battered troops. The American Conservative Union (ACU) today announced former Vice Presidential Candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will address CPAC 2013 – the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference. America’s largest gathering of conservative leaders and activists will be held Thursday, March 14 – […]

Another Controversial CPAC Scandal!™

How long have I been covering the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)? Forever, it seems, and every year the liberal media find some reason to denounce CPAC as extreme, fringe, controversial. From my perspective, the biggest CPAC controversy this year is that they moved it from the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in northwest D.C. — near […]

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