The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Huffington Post Lies About Steven Crowder’s CPAC Monologue

by Smitty I happened to be in the ballroom for the remarks made by Crowder, as mis-reported by the Puffington Host:               Steven reports: So HuffingtonPost is outright lying and trying to slander me, and I could really use support. As you know, Ashley Judd has recently been heard […]

Some People Like To Go To CPAC, But Other People Like Us We Gotta Work

— by Wombat-socho Even before it became public knowledge that Pam Geller and Robert Spencer had pointedly not been invited to CPAC, I had been leaning hard in the direction of not going this year due to the requirements of work. To be more specific, I am busy in the tax mines this time of […]

Sarah Palin, Phillis Schlafly, Mrs. Other Smitty, And #CPAC2013

by Smitty Taking in the afternoon at CPAC, I thought Sarah was rousing, and spot-on in her criticism: While a great example of whipping up the crowd to a froth, the speech sounded a bit Ann Coulter-ish, NTTAWWT. In other words, and excellent outing from a media personality, and not from someone laying the foundation […]

In Defense Of BlogBash And CPAC

by Smitty Noting Jerry Wilson’s disdain for BlogBash, “An event such as BlogBash could prove valuable if it led to greater networking, encouragement and support for all bloggers, not solely those in attendance,” I don’t think Jerry is fully briefed on the goals of The National Blogger’s Club, which really aren’t bad at all. I […]

FINE SPEECH: Sen. Jim DeMint Remarks At #CPAC2013 President’s Dinner

by Smitty “We can’t wait for Republicans to advance the conservative cause.” If you only have time for one segment, pick the second one, where he celebrates Paul’s filibuster, and contrasts conservatives with the Republican Party. He starts off with a reference to the Marco Rubio Water Bottle Incident Of 2013. He says people wonder […]

CPAC: Maybe I Should Not Have Sucker-Punched Bruce Carroll Like That

by Smitty Bruce Carroll of Gay Patriot is really a great chap. Whether or not he primaries Lindsey Graham, Bruce has my respect and well-wishes. The last question is from the end of the “10 Questions” set, and was actually the first one I came up with. If it had been warmer, and I knew […]

CPAC: Turned Out Pete Ingemi Hadn’t Heard Of A ’10 Questions’ Interview

by Smitty Nobody interviews people like Pete, Da Tech Guy: nobody. So, if you can’t compete, enjoy a little revenge, as they say amidst the rubble in the Eastern Mediterranean. This is done in the style of The Chaser’s War on Everything, especially their 10 Questions. Here is my interview: Can the GOP capture the […]

To Allen West At CPAC2013: ‘Is The Base Too Strident In Criticism Of Boehner?’

by Smitty Pete “Da Tech Guy” Ingemi and I enjoyed dinner with Allen West and his gracious wife last night at CPAC. You possibly could’ve, too, if you were at CPAC, and on the email list for Next Generation TV, which you should do right now. What a great American. Looking forward to hearing this […]

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