The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#CPAC2018: Fighting for Freedom

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland There was an epic moment here at CPAC when Dana Loesch called out the “legacy media” for their coverage of the Parkland massacre: National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch said Thursday that members of the media “love mass shootings” because it provides high ratings. “Many in legacy media love mass shootings. […]

#CPAC2018: Legion of the Banned

Pete Da Tech Guy displays a copy of his book. NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Arrived here about 3 p.m., and I’ll be crashing in Da Tech Guy‘s room for the next three days. His book Hail Mary is available via Amazon, if you want to help support his work. As for me, I’m due at 5 […]

#CPAC2017 Donald Trump Redefines Rhetoric; George Will Hardest Hit

by Smitty [View the story “The Trump Stream of Consciousness” on Storify] Hinderaker offers the video and a slightly more favorable take.

#CPAC2017 Undeserved Victory Lap

by Smitty Lukas and I swung by so that I could check in at CPAC. This is the bumper on the truck made famous by Stacy in an earlier post. We were at CPAC seven years ago  (Feb 19, 2010) when I got to ask now-VP Pence a question on Paul Ryan’s Roadmap Plan. What […]

To Milo or Not to Milo?

That is the question. When the Milo Yiannopedophiliapoulos controversy erupted over the weekend, I was busy working on a 4,000-word post about a radical feminist that I didn’t finish until Monday. Then CPAC disinvited him Monday, and today Milo resigned from Breitbart, and all of this controversy went thermonuclear while I was too busy on […]

#FreeStacy #CPAC2016: I’ve Got Friends in Low Places (and Everywhere Else)

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Everybody at CPAC is talking Trump (his supporters walked out on Ted Cruz) but I find it impossible to get excited about the presidential campaign. As I pointed out in my column at The American Spectator, Andrew Breitbart always said, “Politics is downstream from culture.” If conservatives will not fight on […]

#CPAC2016 Trump Pulls Out

Unexpectedly: Donald Trump has pulled out of the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, opting to campaign in Kansas and Florida instead. The Trump campaign released a statement to reporters announcing that it would be in “Witchita, Kanasas [sic] for a major rally on Saturday prior to Caucus.” “He will also be speaking at the […]

#FreeStacy #CPAC2016 ‘Free Speech Should Flourish’ #DontTreadOnTheNet

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Interesting headline today: ‘Free speech should flourish’: Jewish head of Oberlin college defends his decision not to sack female professor who claimed Jews were behind 9/11 attacks You will recall that students at Oberlin College (annual tuition of $50,586) consider themselves victims of “imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy.” […]

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