The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Sordid Scandal in Oregon

By the time she was 30, Cylvia Hayes had already been married and divorced twice. She then reportedly was paid to be the “green card wife” of an Ethiopian immigrant. At some point, she became involved in Democrat Party politics in Oregon, running unsuccessfully for the state legislature in 2002. A year later, she began […]

‘Operation Stalk My Girlfriend’

Kevin D. Williamson has a column about NSA employees who were caught using the agency’s surveillance technology for personal purposes: Thanks to a Christmas Eve document dump, we learn that agents of the National Security Agency, the spookiest spooks in all our vast spookocracy, are a bunch of stalkers, using the effectively boundless surveillance powers […]

Democrats Implode in Louisiana

Ali Akbar, Anita Moncrief and other activists with the Black Conservatives Fund have been making a huge difference in Louisiana during the final weeks of the campaign leading up to Saturday’s election that will end the Senate career of Democrat Mary Landrieu. However, as much credit as is certainly due to BCF, the real credit […]

Democrats: The Party of Theft

It’s not merely that they steal money from taxpayers. Democrats are just generally dishonest and untrustworthy: Senator John Walsh of Montana took most of a 2007 final paper required for his master’s degree from the United States Army War College from other sources without proper attribution. Mr. Walsh copies an entire page nearly word-for-word from […]

Homo Bureaucratus Is The Problem

by Smitty Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.–Lord Acton Over time, even petty amounts of power bring out the Nixon in all of us. Via Instapundit, Mark Fiztgibbons writes: In America’s first 100 years, federal officials could be sued in state courts for acting beyond their authority. In his book Creating the […]

A Long History Of Ineptitude And Corruption

— Wombat-socho While this could be a descriptor of many offices, bureaux, agencies and possibly even entire departments of the Federal Government, I’m addressing the problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs, which is still referred to by many as the Veterans Administration or simply VA. As CNN points out in this excellent article (apparently […]

Obama: ‘What IRS Scandal?’

The big news out of Bill O’Reilly’s Sunday interview with President Obama was the latter’s claim that there wasn’t “a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal. Just a bunch of inept bureaucrats accidentally targeting the president’s political enemies: Rather, he said, IRS officials were confused about how to implement the law governing those kinds […]

The IRS Scandal Cover-Up

Use of the Internal Revenue Service to harass the President’s political Enemies List? That’s not a crime. Entrusting investigation of the IRS scandal to Attorney General Eric Holder? Nothing suspicious about that. Most Transparent Administration in History™! The DOJ lawyer who’s heading the investigation is an Obama donor and the FBI, after seven months of supposedly investigating […]

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