The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Russia! Russia! Russia!

The scandal of MuellerGate keeps getting worse for Democrats: Check Your Sources: CNN’s Cohen-Russia-Trump Tower Meeting Story Just Blew Up In Their Faces — Matt Vespa, Townhall Suspended Pentagon Whistleblower Says FBI’s Russia Probe Was ‘All a Set-Up’ — Debra Heine, PJMedia SOURCE: FBI AGENT TOLD CONGRESS THE BUREAU USED LEAKED STORIES TO OBTAIN SPY […]

Anti-Trump Witch-Hunt Update

  The headline stack on top of Drudge this morning: IMPEACHMENT FEARS HIT DC…  Dems worried Mueller getting fired…  Cohen willing to tell of ‘conspiracy to collude’…  Would NOT accept pardon…  Inside catch and kill… PENN: Plea deal attempt to set up president…  News fuels partisan furor over probe… AVENATTI: I WILL NOW DEPOSE TRUMP… […]

Who Is Lisa H. Barsoomian?

  Keep the question in the headline in your mind. Early this morning, I received a PayPal contribution from a frequent commenter here, who urged me “in the name of all that’s holy” to pay attention to a long and complicated story posted at Reddit. It seems kind of crazy, but it all makes sense […]

On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re Russian Military Intelligence

  Excuse my sarcastic reference to that classic 1993 Peter Steiner cartoon, but how else do you expect me to react to Friday’s big news? Twelve Russian military intelligence officers hacked into the Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party and released tens of thousands of private communications in a sweeping conspiracy by the Kremlin […]

New MuellerGate Developments Prove ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Against Trump

  OK, as of today, the “Russia collusion” story is MuellerGate. For months, I’ve been saying the Mueller “investigation” is not an investigation, it’s a cover-up, the objective of which is to conceal the Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, while also manufacturing an appearance of wrongdoing by Trump. Muller has not yet […]