The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Never Negotiate With Sociopaths: Liars, Democrats and the #Kavanaugh Smear

  There was a moment during Thursday’s hearing when Christine Blasey Ford was asked, “Was it communicated to you by your counsel or someone else, that the committee had asked to interview you and that — that they offered to come out to California to do so?” At which point, her lawyer Michael Bromwich grabbed […]

Your Tax Dollars at Work

  Recent news from Dayton, Ohio: The Ohio Liquor Control Commission revoked the liquor permit of Sharkey’s bar, an adult entertainment establishment, effective at the close of business Thursday, after investigators used food stamps to buy lap dances. Agent-in-Charge Michelle Thourot said agents began investigating the Twenty Two Fifty Inc., also known as Sharkey’s, in […]

Russia! Russia! Russia!

The scandal of MuellerGate keeps getting worse for Democrats: Check Your Sources: CNN’s Cohen-Russia-Trump Tower Meeting Story Just Blew Up In Their Faces — Matt Vespa, Townhall Suspended Pentagon Whistleblower Says FBI’s Russia Probe Was ‘All a Set-Up’ — Debra Heine, PJMedia SOURCE: FBI AGENT TOLD CONGRESS THE BUREAU USED LEAKED STORIES TO OBTAIN SPY […]

Anti-Trump Witch-Hunt Update

  The headline stack on top of Drudge this morning: IMPEACHMENT FEARS HIT DC…  Dems worried Mueller getting fired…  Cohen willing to tell of ‘conspiracy to collude’…  Would NOT accept pardon…  Inside catch and kill… PENN: Plea deal attempt to set up president…  News fuels partisan furor over probe… AVENATTI: I WILL NOW DEPOSE TRUMP… […]

Who Is Lisa H. Barsoomian?

  Keep the question in the headline in your mind. Early this morning, I received a PayPal contribution from a frequent commenter here, who urged me “in the name of all that’s holy” to pay attention to a long and complicated story posted at Reddit. It seems kind of crazy, but it all makes sense […]

The ‘Deep State’ Is Real: Whistleblower Punished for Pentagon Spy Complaint

Rowan Scarborough reports at The Washington Times: A Trump-supporting Pentagon analyst was stripped of his security clearance by Obama-appointed officials after he complained of questionable government contracts to Stefan Halper, the FBI informant who spied on the Trump presidential campaign. Adam Lovinger, a 12-year strategist in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, complained to his […]

Russia! Russia! Russia!

More evidence that the Obama administration collaborated with Fusion GPS to create a phony “Russian collusion” narrative in the media: Veteran GOP lawyer Cleta Mitchell suddenly found her name mixed up in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The first public mention of Mitchell came in a March 13 report released […]

The Carter Page FISA Documents: The Steele Dossier, the Leaks, the Witch Hunt

Here are some headlines from September and October 2016: U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin — Michael Isikoff, Yahoo News, Sept. 23, 2016 Michael Isikoff has the latest tale of people with questionable ties to Russia within the Trump campaign — Washington Post, Sept. 23, Sept. 23, 2016 Donald Trump advisor […]

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