The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Divorced Woman Becomes Victim of Patriarchal Oppression and Biology …

. . . but, yeah, mainly it’s the biology: [A] 38-year-old woman . . . is a client of Ronald G. Lieberman, a family law attorney in Haddonfield, N.J. Mr. Lieberman is asking his client’s soon-to-be-former husband of eight years to pay $20,000 to cover her egg-freezing procedure, medication costs and several years of egg […]

Stop the Killing. Stop the Crying.

Trang Bang, South Vietnam, June 8, 1972 (Photo: Nick Ut, Associated Press) Did I ever mention that I can’t stand to hear children cry? It’s rather odd, considering I’m a father of six, that I can’t stand the sound of a crying child. When my kids were babies, I’d take them for long walks, rocking them […]

About Paul Ehrlich and ‘The Most Spectacularly Wrong Book Ever Written’

Cover of Time magazine, Jan. 11, 1960 “You’re f–king up our future. . . . What do you think we learn at school? This is what we learned about. . . . We’re the 99 percent.” — 17-year-old student, St. Mary’s Academy, 2011 In an interview with Ed Driscoll, Jonathan V. Last discussed Paul Ehrlich’s […]

Old and Boring: ‘Safe Sex’
New and Hot: ‘Let’s Make Babies’

Young folks have discovered a kinky new sexual phenomenon: If a man places his penis inside a woman’s vagina, she can have a baby. This shockingly weird activity is being promoted by a Web site called, whose founders describe their revolutionary idea: We want awesome marriages and mind-blowing sex lives. We want women and men to […]

Five Academy Award-Winning Beauties Who Are Moms (Unlike Ashley Judd)

When people think of factors involved in Hollywood success, motherhood probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Despite what the embittered rantings of childless pro-abortion fanatic Ashley Judd might lead you to believe, however, many of the world’s most famous actresses have shown that women can have glamour, a successful movie career, critical […]

Sandra Fluke Flunks on MSNBC

Well-known Georgetown University “women’s issues” expert Sandra Fluke was asked on MSNBC to comment about a recent case in which an Indiana woman was fired from her job teaching at a Catholic school because she had undergone in-vitro fertilization treatments. To which Fluke’s answer could be summarized briefly as, “Duh.”

Rush Limbaugh Apologizes on Radio Show; Byron York Explains Background

Rush Limbaugh devoted the opening monologue of his nationally syndicated radio program today to explaining why he issued an apology to Sandra Fluke. Limbaugh said that in his fight with the Left, he had “descended to their level.” Limbaugh then cited a Washington Examiner column by Byron York, in which Republican sources on Capitol Hill […]

Since We Can’t Call Sandra Fluke a ‘Slut,’ Would ‘Lying Liberal Bitch’ Be OK?

Sandra “Not a Slut” Fluke testifies, Monday, Feb. 27, 2012 Far be it from me to stoop to name-calling as a substitute for argument, but this question is not merely rhetorical. It seems that Sandra Fluke — who is receiving media Martyr of the Month beatification as the Matthew Shepard of “reproductive rights” — stands accused of makin’ stuff […]

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