The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Future of Conservatism

I’m at the Young America’s Foundation National Conservative Student Conference, where YAF vice president Patrick X. Coyle explains everything: Will have further updates, but you can follow the conference on Twitter at #NCSC10, and there is also a live Webcast. UPDATE: Now a few photos from the conference: A young conservative activist takes notes on a lecture […]

When Phyllis Schlafly Speaks the Truth, Democrats Call It ‘Extremism’

Phyllis Schlafly is one of conservatism’s great heroines. Both Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter acknowledge Schlafly’s influence as a role model. Forty-six years after her rallying cry for Goldwater, A Choice Not an Echo, and three decades after she led the crusade to stop ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, she’s still driving liberals nuts: […]

Conservatism 101:
Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be

Conservative Republicans seeking political advice should not take it from a liberal Democrat like Jonathan Chait: You don’t have to love Sue Lowden to understand that a 90% chance of Lowden winning is better than a 20% chance of Sharron Angle winning. Nor is there any recognition on the right that conservatives paved the way […]

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