The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Unexpectedly’: Voters in NY-9 District Realize President Obama Is a ‘Moron’

By now you’ve noticed how bad economic news in the Obama age is always “unexpected” according to liberal reporters. Now the failure of Obamanomics seems to be intruding into the political sphere: Of all the places to hear fulminations against President Obama, one of the least expected is the corner of 71st Avenue and Queens […]

House Passes Debt Deal 269-161

The latest news: The House on Monday approved bipartisan legislation to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling and reduce long-term budget deficits, endorsing the agreement President Obama struck with Republican leaders. . . . The bill now heads for a Tuesday vote in the Senate . . . The vote was 269-161, as Republicans largely […]

McConnell Says ‘Very Close’ to Deal on Debt-Ceiling Agreement With Obama UPDATE: Reid’s Bill Fails Senate Vote

UPDATE 1:25 p.m. ET: The Senate just held a cloture vote on Harry Reid’s bill which, as expected, failed to get the 60 votes necessary to end debate and proceed. The vote was 50 “aye” and 49 “no.” So much for Reid’s bill being the “only game in town,” huh? UPDATE 2:15 p.m. ET: Here’s […]

VIDEO: The Man With No Plan Accuses House Republicans of Irresponsibility

“President Snippy Pants,” as William Teach calls him, evidently believes what America needs is more lectures from him: While accusing the House GOP of wasting time by, y’know, passing legislation, our Lecturer-in-Chief uses his weekly address to issue yet another iteration of Democrat Party talking points: Republicans in the House of Representatives just spent precious days trying to […]

Boehner Debt-Ceiling Bill Barely Passes House 218-210; 22 GOP ‘No’ Votes

We’ll have the roll-call and other news momentarily. UPDATE: New York Times: The House of Representatives on Friday approved a plan for a short-term increase in the debt ceiling and cuts in spending, ending a week of intense fighting among Republicans and shifting the end game of the debate to the Senate. The vote was […]

LATEST: BOEHNER CANCELS VOTE! EARLIER: Pizza Delivery to Boehner’s Office Could Signal an All-Nighter UPDATE: Boehner Yanks Debt-Ceiling Bill at Last Minute! Vote Postponed UPDATE: Sarah Palin Sends Cryptic Message to Republican Freshmen UPDATE: Boehner Now 2 Votes Short?

UPDATE 10:33 p.m. ET: NO VOTE TONIGHT! Boehner couldn’t get enough Republican votes to pass the bill. UPDATE 10:39 p.m. ET: Chad Pegram of Fox News got the word from GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy at 10:24 p.m. ET. UPDATE 10:47 p.m. ET: The Hill: House Republican leaders have postponed indefinitely a vote on Speaker John […]

House Will Vote Today on Revamped Debt-Ceiling Bill; Senate Dems Say ‘No’

Despite the fact that 53 Senate Democrats have signed a letter vowing to vote against it, John Boehner is pushing ahead to bring his budget bill to a vote today in the House of Representatives: The new measure depends on caps on agency budgets to cut more than $900 billion from the deficit over the […]

A Democrat Admits the Truth

When a Democrat says something that’s actually true, that’s what we call “news,” and Rep. Pete Stark calls the debt-ceiling debate a “charade.” “Charade,” “kabuki dance” — to-may-to, to-mah-to — Obama and Harry Reid are putting on a political pageant that doesn’t deceive anyone with enough brains to see what’s really going on. Andy at […]

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