The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Demographics of Envy

“No one has been through the fire more so than our congressperson, and we in the district have sent him back because we have faith in him, and that he has our interests in mind, and quite frankly he’s one of us.” — Keith L. T. Wright, co-chairman of the New York Democratic Party, praising […]

House Passes Fiscal-Cliff Deal 257-167

Earlier today, it was reported that House Republicans would insist on adding spending cuts to the version of the fiscal-cliff deal that the Senate passed. However, faced with the likelihood that President Obama would denounce such a measure, and the Democrat-led Senate would reject the House version, the decision has now reportedly been made to […]

Fiscal-Cliff Kabuki Nears Final Scene UPDATE: House GOP Wants More Spending Cuts Before Final Vote

Excuse my failure to comment previously on the Glorious Passage of the Great Compromise in the Senate, but I’ve been working on an American Spectator column about this shameful travesty while waiting to see what the House does. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and other House Democrats just gave a press conference demanding an up-or-down vote on the […]

Five Words to Be Thankful For

Former Congressman Jesse Jackson, Junior: Rep. Jesse Jackson resigned from Congress Wednesday, saying in a letter that he is cooperating with a federal investigation “into my activities” but blaming his health problems for his decision to step down just two weeks after his re-election. . . . Despite his admission of “my share of mistakes,” […]

While You Wait for Mitt Romney, Say Hello to ‘The Scott Brown of Connecticut’

TAMPA, Florida Gotta run real quick, but not before I introduce you to a longtime reader of The Other McCain, John Henry Decker, now running for Congress in Connecticut’s First District:   JOHN HENRY DECKER for CONGRESS Because He Reads the Right Blogs

Regulations Not The Problem: Complexity

by Smitty I disagree here: How government became a deviant subculture is a story of good intentions gone awry. We tried to avoid government abuse by replacing individual responsibility with detailed rules and objective legal proceedings. Never again would officials play favorites or indulge personal prejudices. Government would be an efficient assembly line. I assert […]

Democrats: Allen West Is Willie Horton!

Remember when I said that Obama super-PAC ad had scraped all the way through the bottom of the barrel? Now Democrats are running an ad that shows Rep. Allen West beating up white women and stealing their money: More at The Lonely Conservative and Legal Insurrection. What strikes me about this ad is how it is coordinated […]

Neal Rauhauser Boasts of Access to Secret Congressional Staff ‘Policy Intel’ Network UPDATE: Don’t Believe the Hype?

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Brooks Bayne at the Trenches quotes an April 2012 text message reportedly sent by Brett Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser: “Keep in mind policy intel for 700+ Congressional staffers runs through a system I built and I back up the natsec editor. I hear stuff average bear does not.“ Bayne interprets the […]

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