The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Everybody Hates Atheists

@rsmccain Science! — Lee Ritz, M.D. (@lee_ritz) December 4, 2013 It’s not just because atheists kill babies, because not all atheists do. But let’s admit that, in a universe of accidental randomness, there is nothing particularly special about a little clump of cells. Or a bigger clump of cells, for that matter. So if […]

Obama Scrooges Christmas

Re-elect Obama, the tax-hiking enemy of a free-market economy — hey, that’s got to be great for the holiday retail season, right? Confidence among U.S. consumers dipped to its lowest point in December since July amid rising economic worries, according to a monthly index released Friday. Marshal Cohen, chief research analyst at NPD Inc., a market research […]

2012 The Best Year Ever?

by Smitty A fine Trifecta outing: It’s useless to judge the quality of the year as it ends. We’re too close to the details. We know that all of the numbers get adjusted down later. And the Big Doom will like arrive in 2013, though it will be labelled as ‘reform’, one predicts. Merry Christmas!

A Holiday Tradition Continues

“We lost. We are losers. . . . Our operatives are incompetent and we live in a dream world.” — Rob Long of National Review, in an interview with Joe Hagan of New York magazine during a Caribbean cruise in November Readers expect “Christmas Cheesecake” from us this time year and what kind of conservative […]

Occupy Althouse? (The Zero-Sum Error)

There are times when you must choose between gratitude and resentment and, considering how rarely this blog gets linked by Ann Althouse, I’ve decided to be grateful that my thoughts on Professor Erik Loomis provided her and Meade with some laughs. Also, because her post linking my post got linked at Instapundit, I’ll be grateful […]

No, We Can’t.

Memeorandum features this headline from Think Progress: We Could End Homelessness With The Money Americans Spend On Christmas Decorations This is false. It could only be true if the complex problem known by the misleading label “homelessness” were just a matter of money, but it’s not. Homelessness made headlines in the 1980s and was exploited for purposes of partisan propaganda by liberals […]


The family gathered around the Christmas tree for a traditional holiday song, with a traditional greeting at the end: It was a most excellent Christmas: We went out caroling and giving gifts to neighbors on Christmas Eve, then got in the car and drove around looking at Christmas lights. The kids woke up at 7 a.m. to […]


I’m not sure which is more profoundly offensive: The song itself, or Richard McEnroe posting it under the title, “A Ron Paul Christmas”: There are so many layers of sick humor atrociously bad taste hate crime involved, I’m not sure where to begin: Orthodox Jews will be horrified by this shiksa‘s expression of carnal lust for Jew-flesh; […]

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