The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thanks, Rush!

Here’s the transcript of Rush Limbaugh’s show today: Folks, this is from Robert Stacy McCain, the American Spectator blog: “Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected within a week to make a decision on whether to enter the 2012 presidential campaign, according to one Republican source. Vendors of campaign services who hope to work for […]

Conor Friedersdorf: Now Turning the Atlantic into Media Matters Lite?

When Andrew Sullivan jumped ship to The Daily Beast, Conor Friedersdorf stayed behind at the Atlantic, where today he devotes some 1,800 words to Why Rush Limbaugh Is Wrong About Libya. A few sample Conorisms: His commentary has misled his audience, his prejudices have helped to distract the conservative movement from the stance it ought […]

Hey, Remember That Crazy Conspiracy Theory Glenn Beck Was Talking About?

According to every Serious Foreign Policy Pundit, it’s absolutely insane for Beck to assert that the Left and the Islamists are in alliance to bring revolution to the Middle East. However, as Donald Douglas points out, that’s what the Left is telling us: The neo-Stalinist ANSWER homepage has the announcement, “Emergency demonstrations: Stop all U.S. […]

Rush Limbaugh on Zeitgeist

“If the movies you go see tell you that your government was behind the downing of the trade center and the Pentagon in 9/11 — as the movie Zeitgeist did, a documentary — if you were told by Michael Moore that all of this was done on purpose, if you’re told that the rich have […]

Jared Loughner’s Zeitgeist Obsession:
‘He Wanted to Watch It All the Time’

Kudos to the Arizona Republic for this follow-up reporting: Loughner began fixating on a documentary: “Zeitgeist: The Movie.” The movie is a bramble of conspiracy theories involving Sept. 11, the international monetary system, and Christianity. “There are people guiding your life and you don’t even know it,” the trailer for the movie intones. “He wanted to […]

How to Talk to a Follower of
the Zeitgeist Cult (If You Must)

In response to my descriptions of Zeitgeist — the conspiracy-cult movie that Jared Loughner’s friend says had a “profound impact” on the Tucson massacre gunman — I today received an e-mail from a British follower of the Zeitgeist Movement. He repeated the cult’s own mantras about substituting an egalitarian global redistributionist “resource-based economy” for the […]

‘Somebody Has to Stand Up’

So says Mark Levin: [H]e offered $100,000 to Chris Matthews to find any example where Sarah Palin or Levin himself had “promoted the murder of anybody.” The direct challenge to Matthews took place shortly after Levin had played clips of Matthews suggesting Levin’s passionate radio shows were “angry” and apparently implying that Levin’s shows and […]

Rush Limbaugh Reads My Blog On Radio, Makes Mrs. Other McCain Angry

OK, I’ll get around to why my wife is angry later. First, I gotta brag on making it into Rush’s “Stack of Stuff” : This from the American Spectator blog from a couple days ago: “For decades, Americans have been lectured that there is exactly one standard by which sexual activity can be judged: Were the […]

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