The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Facts From Which They Wish to Distract

Why has the Left spent the past five days ginning up a ridiculous controversy over Rush Limbaugh’s use of the word “slut” to describe liberal liar Sandra Fluke? Is it possible that they’re trying to distract attention from their own shady activity? Michelle Malkin is not distracted: In a scathing fundraising e-mail appeal, Obama campaign […]

Since We Can’t Call Sandra Fluke a ‘Slut,’ Would ‘Lying Liberal Bitch’ Be OK?

Sandra “Not a Slut” Fluke testifies, Monday, Feb. 27, 2012 Far be it from me to stoop to name-calling as a substitute for argument, but this question is not merely rhetorical. It seems that Sandra Fluke — who is receiving media Martyr of the Month beatification as the Matthew Shepard of “reproductive rights” — stands accused of makin’ stuff […]

While We Were Out, Rush Limbaugh Apologized and Romney Won the Washington State GOP Caucuses

The entire crew of the blog — me, Smitty and Wombat — left home yesterday evening to attend the “Remember Breitbart” event in D.C., and got back home in the wee a.m. hours. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh issued this statement: For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five […]

What Do You Call a Woman Who Is So ‘Sexually Active’ That She Needs More Contraception Than She Can Afford? UPDATE: Is Sandra Fluke a Fraud?

Apparently, the old-fashioned Anglo-Saxon word “slut” won’t do: Speaker John Boehner on Friday denounced radio host Rush Limbaugh’s “slut” remarks aimed at Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke, but the Ohio Republican also jabbed at Democrats who have been fundraising off the fracas. “The speaker obviously believes the use of those words was inappropriate, as is […]

Florida Conservative to Limbaugh: ‘I Don’t Think That I’ve Ever Been Accused of Being an Establishment Republican!’

As I said this morning, everybody’s gone crazy, and it seems that even Rush Limbaugh drank the kooky Kool-Aid, inspiring a paranoid outburst that Florida state Rep. Scott Plakon felt obliged to correct: As a longtime fan and admirer of Rush Limbaugh, I was disappointed to hear his comments regarding the work of the Congressional […]

UPDATE: Newt’s Populist Turn

FORT MYERS, Fla. 6:51 p.m. ET: During his speech today at Page Field, Newt Gingrich spun a conspiratorial view of the opposition to him, saying that Mitt Romney’s campaign is using “recycled” bailout money to attack him. Saying that Goldman Sachs chose Barack Obama in 2008, Gingrich said the giant Wall Street bank — using […]

Santorum Praised by Rush Limbaugh, Endorsed by Florida State Sen. Plakon

Wearing my Florida shirt at the CNN Jacksonville debate, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 (Photo by Dave Weigel) JACKSONVILLE, Fla. On his radio program today, Rush Limbaugh singled out Rick Santorum for his understanding that “ObamaCare is ballgame,” as Rush put it. Limbaugh referred to Santorum’s strong performance in Thursday’s CNN debate, going after Mitt Romney’s […]

Rush Nails It On The Craven GOP

by Smitty Rush Limbaugh went ballistic about both the Obama 06Dec speech, and the corresponding spinelessness of the GOP in refusing to attack #OccupyResoluteDesk. Of local note is the Timmy Kaine run for Senate. Face it: rather than gearing up for the next concession speech in 2012, the GOP needs to take this class warfare […]

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