The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Next 1,460 Days: I Still Hope He Fails

If only more people had listened to Rush Limbaugh . . . My post this morning about how to hate Democrats reminded Andrew J. Patrick of the bitter debate between Jeff Goldstein and Patterico, and Andrew makes a good point: The Democrats did not respond to getting their teeth kicked in by George Bush in […]

E-Mails Expose MSNBC Host’s Involvement in #StopRush Boycott

Krystal Ball will co-host MSNBC’s new show ‘The Cycle’ starting Monday. FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION MSNBC host Krystal Ball was in close communication with leaders of an online boycott aimed at advertisers on Rush Limbaugh’s popular radio show, e-mails between the boycott leaders indicate. Attempting to discover the identity of an infiltrator in their group, the […]

Recording: Leader of Anti-Limbaugh Effort Brags About Obama Campaign Ties

The head of a boycott effort aimed at radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh boasted in a conference call of his ties to Organizing for American (OFA), President Obama’s re-election campaign. “Randy, I can pick up the phone and call the director of OFA, can you?” Matt Edelstein said during the phone call, berating a Texas […]

Nolte Notion At Breitbart: Ann Romney As Sarah Palin Surrogate

by Smitty From the Well-That-Makes-Inverted-Lefty-Sense Department: Ann Romney stepped into the White House’s line of fire by handling the situation … with absolute perfection. And as she did, let me assure you, Obama’s Media Palace Guards completely freaked out. Welcome to what will surely become “Palin II: The Nuclear Option.” We all remember how John […]

The Corpse Of Trayvon Martin Has Lost Propaganda Value; Fortunately, Sandra Fluke Still Has A Pulse

by Smitty One nearly can empathize with the poor Lefties, seeing that the Trayvon Martin tragedy is moving from simple tragedy to propaganda farce. In the (gang)green spirit of recycling, then, we have Hillary telling Andrea Mitchell; Today, Hillary Clinton told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell in a pre-taped interview that Rush Limbaugh’s comments about Sandra Fluke […]

Illegal ‘Women of the 99%’ Robo-Call Targets Rush Limbaugh in Illinois

Citing a report by the U.K. Daily Mail, Illinois Review writes: Illegal robocalls have been hitting voters’ phones in Rep. Judy Biggert’s 13th CD, Rep. Tim Johnson’s 15th CD and Rep. Bobby Schilling’s 17th CD this week, UK’s Daily Mail reports. The robocalls tell callers to contact the U.S. Reps’ offices and ask them to […]

If You Think Mitt Romney Is ‘Electable’ …

. . . just wait. Maybe you’re right. But if you’re right, why are liberals so eager to have Romney as the Republican nominee? Maybe you think George Stephanopoulos is stupid? Rick Santorum will hold a party tonight in Steubenville, Ohio, which he and his supporters hope will be a “Super Tuesday” victory celebration. Yet […]

Rush Limbaugh Apologizes on Radio Show; Byron York Explains Background

Rush Limbaugh devoted the opening monologue of his nationally syndicated radio program today to explaining why he issued an apology to Sandra Fluke. Limbaugh said that in his fight with the Left, he had “descended to their level.” Limbaugh then cited a Washington Examiner column by Byron York, in which Republican sources on Capitol Hill […]

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