The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rush Limbaugh Will Rape the DCCC

Those lying bastards finally told one too many lies: Radio host Rush Limbaugh has threatened to sue the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) for defamation, The Daily Caller has learned. Limbaugh retained the services of lawyer Patty Glaser and demanded that the DCCC “preserve all records in anticipation of a lawsuit for defamation and interference” […]

Grabbing the Other End of the Rope

Rush Limbaugh occasionally says, “I don’t need ‘balance.’ I am balance.” That is to say, when all the major institutions of politics, media and culture are dominated by liberalism, the conservative who aims to critique and counterbalance the regnant ethos need not concern himself too much with presenting The Other Side of the Story. As […]

Subway, the Anti-Rush Limbaugh Boycott and the Sad Debacle That Is #UniteBlue

A late lunch with 10-year-old daughter Reagan at Subway today. The entirely negative and destructive agenda of the Left — they hate America, and if you love America, they hate you — has turned its focus to attempting to destroy Rush Limbaugh by boycotting his advertisers. The so-called “Stop Rush” campaign was recently commercialized by […]

Just Another Law-Abiding Citizen of Beautiful Downtown Realville

“Fred, I’m gonna be very honest with you here: People like you are a problem. . . . “You can get mad at me because I’m pointing things out, but you’re just getting mad at fact, and you’re making extrapolations or interpretations that I didn’t make nor intend. I’m not trying to distract anybody. I’m […]

Mega-Dittos, @RushLimbaugh! Credit Where Credit Is Due and More Questions

“So what you had here was a bureaucracy that was intent on making itself look good, and they were playing games with numbers. “So real crimes would be committed by students, not just Trayvon, and rather than being categorized as such they were just pushed over here into another column on the spreadsheet that said […]

Rush Is Right: Media Can’t Hide Their Disappointment Over Zimmerman Trial

The murder trial of George Zimmerman was required only to satisfy the national media demand for it. You may recall that Zimmerman was not initially charged with any crime in connection with the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. But then various civil-rights activists began agitating, and their agitation was echoed and amplified by the national […]

Rush Limbaugh: Still Winning

On Thursday, Professor William Jacobson called attention to evidence that the “Stop Rush” boycott campaign has failed. Meanwhile, one of the leaders of the “Stop Rush” campaign, Matt “Shoq” Edelstein, had his lawyer send a cease-and-desist letter to his ex-girlfriend, who had been saying some unflattering things about Shoq. Shorter @shoq: The First Rule of […]

Stop Putting Out So Much, Ugly Sluts: Science Proves Undeniable Truth #24

Boston ‘Slutwalk’ 2011: Unattractive women chant stupid slogans Instapundit linked a dating study and added this: Interestingly, the more attractive the woman, the fewer sexual partners. You didn’t really need a scientific study to know this, if you’ve been studying feminism as long as I have. Just ask yourself: Why are feminists so angry at […]

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