The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Huckabee: ‘Hey, Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Trash-Talked Luke Skywalker’s Mom’

We’ve finally found a Republican dumber than Dan Quayle: Mike Huckabee walked back his criticisms of actress Natalie Portman for “glamorizing” out-of-wedlock pregnancies Friday, with a statement insisting he was only talking about society and that he’s glad the Oscar winner plans to wed her baby’s father. . . . “I was asked about Oscar-winner Natalie […]

Let’s Nationalize the Wealth!

So says Michael Moore: “They’re sitting on the money, they’re using it for their own — they’re putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with our life, with that money. We’ve allowed them to take that. That’s not theirs, that’s a national resource, that’s ours. We all have this, we all benefit […]

BREAKING: Charlie Sheen To Be Northwestern U’s First Heidi Fleiss Chair Of Applied Public Debauchery Studies

by Smitty I’m connecting a couple of (i)d(i)ots here in a less-than-totally-factual sort of way. A curriculum basis for this ‘exciting’ new field can be found here. The ultimate comfort, of course, is that these clowns will eventually have the opportunity to explain themselves to the Almighty.

My Favorite Kardashian

  Forget about Kim and Kourtney. It’s definitely Khloe, thanks to this Tweet she sent Thursday: I’m sure My Favorite Kardashian™ will want to check out Herman Cain’s article, “In Defense of American Exceptionalism,” from the March issue of The American Spectator. And then she’ll want to join the grassroots online army at Citizens for […]

Is Christina Aguilera On The Same Casey Jones Train As Charlie Sheen?

by Smitty I was introducing a colleague to the fine addiction that is the RSS reader when he brought up a blog that is arguably more shameless that this one (if such is possible): What Would Tyler Durden Do? WWTDD? is a Fight Club reference, and I must out myself as the only human being […]

Your Daily Charlie Sheen Update

“It seems crazy to everybody else, but for us, I mean, it works well.” — Natalie Kenly, one of Charlie Sheen’s “goddesses” “I am very concerned that [Sheen] is currently insane. I am in great fear that he will find me and attack me and I am in great fear for the children’s safety while […]

Hey, Maybe Glenn Beck Was Right

You may recall that, when the Egyptian revolution first popped into the news, Glenn Beck caught a lot of grief for saying that the American Left was in league with Islamists to destabilize the Middle East. What Beck said — or perhaps the way he said it — seemed a bit kookier than that, but […]

Clearing the Browser Tabs Tuesday

Borrowing Jimmie Bise’s term for “Stuff I Really Meant to Blog About Today, But Didn’t Get Around to Actually Blogging”: Charlie Sheen — I’d given Charlie a good going-over Monday, and didn’t feel like going over him again. Maggie’s Notebook has more. Sheen-blogging can be addictive, and there’s just so much there to work with. Charlie […]

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