The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Atlantic Crossing

Trans-Atlantic cosmopolitan Hadley Freeman, who apparently hops back and forth between Manhattan and Ye Merry Olde, offers what she describes as an ironic contrast: The British approach to dating could easily be described as “chaotic” to the point of non-existent. I, however, see it as a decidedly just, nay, DEMOCRATIC state of affairs: you go […]

Of Pundits And Palin

by Smitty The men-striation of the pundits who, more or less monthly, have to remind us that Sarah Palin is horrible–but don’t call them misogynist–remains a source of amusement. Get stuffed, George Will: Asked if the GOP would remain the party of ideas if Palin captures the nomination, Will said: “The answer is emphatically no.” […]

Governor Walker Reeling From Rhetorical Blow Dealt By. . .Susan Sarandon?

by Smitty (via Lucianne) Politico captures the less-than-stunning verbal impact: Sarandon spoke to The Nation’s John Nichols about why she travelled to the Midwest. “I wanted to say thank you for everyone who’s kept this fight going, who have awakened all the union members. I’m a union member. I’m also a mom whose kids have […]

Judd Gregg Succumbs to Palinphobia

In a column for The Hill, the former New Hampshire senator surveys the 2012 GOP presidential primary field and confronts his dread fear that You-Know-Who might win the nomination: Because the nominating process has become so dominated by primary elections, with the vast majority of the delegates chosen by direct vote, it is entirely possible […]

Reality Begins to Reach Charlie Sheen

You know how when somebody says “it’s not about the money,” it’s always about the money? Charlie’s insane tantrum explained: “Charlie has earned an enormous amount of money with this show, but he has also spent a fortune and now finds himself in the very tricky position of being cash poor,” an insider tells me. […]

Crazy? CRAZY? Who You Calling Crazy?

So I was watching Fox News last night and Sean Hannity had an “expert” on the show, a psychiatrist who tentatively suggested the possibility that Charlie Sheen might be exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder. Really? No, I mean, REALLY? Because I would call the state medical board and demand they revoke the license of any psychiatrist […]

Seattle Police: ‘No Reason to Suspect Foul Play’ in Marizela Perez’s Disappearance

Michelle Malkin updates readers on the missing-person case involving her 18-year-old cousin, University of Washington student Marizela “Mei” Perez, who hasn’t been seen since Saturday: The Seattle PD says it has probable visual identification of Marizela boarding the Othello train near her home in the Rainier Beach area and commuting into the University District during […]

Because You Can Never Get Enough Sex: Alcee Hastings, Bill Clinton, and Britney

Has the world gone freaking crazy with Charlie Sheen as Patient Zero of a psycho-pandemic? Here are few recent headlines of interest: The former bodyguard for Britney Spears, who claims she sexually harassed him, now claims that Britney took pictures of her lady-parts on her cell phone and texted them to him. A former staffer […]

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