The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Asking the Right Question

“Why are you apologizing all the time?” Sarah Palin asked her Israeli hosts, inspiring admiration and many further thoughts from Professor William Jacobson.

Oh, No They Didn’t!

But, alas, oh, yes they did: NPR let an unfunny Muslim “comedian” take a dishonest cheap shot at Michelle Malkin. No matter how often we see it, there is always at least a slight shock when the oh-so-tolerent liberals take off the mask and reveal their sadistic tendencies.

Does Mitt Romney Agree With Bill Maher?

In case you missed it, hate-filled HBO “star” Bill Maher one-upped his own most tasteless anti-Palin slurs: Question: Has Mitt Romney ever spoken out forcefully in Gov. Palin’s defense? Because some people have noticed the crickets chirping: Joseph Fein, a party insider from the Los Angeles area, said some people feel they can’t trust Romney. […]

OPERATION ODYSSEY DAWN: U.S. Launches Attacks on Targets in Libya

The first Tomahawk cruise missiles hit about 3 p.m. ET today: Military strikes by the U.S. and its allies against targets in Libya Saturday have “severely disabled” Libyan leader’s Muammar al-Qaddafi’s air defenses, a U.S. official confirms to Fox News. . . . The Pentagon says 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched from U.S. […]

I Wonder How Uncle Jimbo Really Feels About Rep. Lynne Woolsey

by Smitty Uncle Jimbo at BlackFive: Good lord there are far too many dim-witted buffoons in Congress to actually catalog, but Rep. Lynne Woolsey wins the Daily Douchebag award for this asininity. “General Petraeus is giving us the Charlie Sheen counter-insurgency strategy, which is to give exclusive interviews to every major network, and to keep […]

Media Decides to Be the Decider

So, after a couple hours offline, I return to the computer, check Memorandum, and see headlines like these: Palin trails Sheen with independents  Trump torches GOP presidential field  Pence: Boehner will ‘denounce’ Tea Party critics in GOP  What’s going on here is that (a) the liberal media are once again trying to tell the Republican […]

Cubachi Assesses Sarah Palin’s Trip To Israel As A ‘Run’ Indication

by Smitty So what do I make of this visit? It’s a sign that she is running for 2012, and that she wants to reaffirm her commitment to Israel. It’s nice to see that we have some political leaders that recognize the importance of Israel. A very nice contrast to the current Commander-in-Chief. My points […]

It’s the New Motherf–ing Tone!

A spontaneous orchestrated outbreak of civility in Tennessee: NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Seven union supporters were arrested and charged following an outburst inside a Senate Committee Hearing. Troopers at the Tennessee Capitol had to forcibly carry out the protestors who were among a group who stood up during the Senate Commerce Committee hearing Tuesday and began […]

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